Asians Demographics of Paris

1 asians

1.1 geography of asian population
1.2 cambodians
1.3 chinese
1.4 japanese
1.5 laotians
1.6 vietnamese


as of 1998 Île-de-france has half of asian population of france. of 1990 majority of asians living in france ethnic chinese originating several countries.

in 1974 france stopped allowing foreign workers borders. asian population of france increased despite closure. in 1975 there 20,000 asians in Île-de-france. in 1982 region had 59,000. increased 108,000 in 1990.

in france asians defined people originating east asian cultural sphere. term not include people indian subcontinent. usage of asians differs of anglo-saxon countries.

geography of asian population

for entire Île-de-france region, there total of 108,511 persons held or formerly held cambodian, chinese, laotian, taiwanese, , vietnamese citizenships of 1990. included 64,361 current citizens of countries , 44,150 former citizens became naturalized french citizens.

as of 1990, there combined total of 31,773 persons held or formerly held cambodian, chinese, laotian, taiwanese, , vietnamese citizenships in city of paris. included 21,655 current citizens of countries , 10,118 former citizens became naturalized french citizens.

as of 1990 fewer 10,000 persons of east/southeast asian origin resided in 6 communes of marne-la-vallée. 26% of population of lognes asian, , other percentages 8% in noisiel, 5-6% in noisy-le-grand, , 5-6% in torcy. in 1982 there 6,000 asians in marne-la-vallée, making 3-4% of area s population. in 1987 number increased 9,000.

as of circa 1998 ivry-sur-seine , vitry-sur-seine had combined asian population of 3,600.

as of circa 1998 there 6,000 east/southeast asians in , around aulnay-sous-bois, , there 3,000 persons of east , southeast asian origin in aulnay proper. of them of cambodian origin, including , without cambodian citizenship. commune had above-average number of persons of laotian origin, including , without laotian citizenship. ethnicities included khmer people, lao people, , overseas chinese.


as of 1990, in city of paris there 7,950 cambodian citizens , 3,279 former cambodian citizens became naturalized french. combined total 11,229.

that year, in Île-de-france region there 26,553 cambodian citizens , 13,068 former cambodian citizens naturalized french. combined total 39,421.


the olympiades towers pagoda roof shopping centre, chinatown, paris

as of 1990 majority of asians living in paris area ethnic chinese originating several countries. largest group includes ethnic chinese indochina, , smaller group originates zhejiang.


as of 2013 official number of japanese residents in paris 16,277.


as of 1990, in city of paris there 2,185 laotian citizens , 1,376 former laotian citizens naturalized french, making combined total of 3,561.

as of year, in Île-de-france region there 10,110 laotian citizens , 8,177 former laotian citizens, making combined total of 18,287.


in periods before 1975 several vietnamese arrived in paris, including intellectuals, worked civil servants in colonial times, , came paris study , did not return home. ethnic vietnamese arriving after 1975 became part of ethnic network established came before them. many vietnamese achieved proficiency in medical, scientific, , computer science fields.

as of 1990, in city of paris there 3,802 vietnamese citizens , 4,155 former vietnamese citizens naturalized french, making total of 7,957.

as of year, in Île-de-france region there 16,387 vietnamese citizens , 20,261 former vietnamese citizens naturalized french, making total of 36,648.


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