Legacy 8 Man

1 legacy

1.1 video game
1.2 live-action movie
1.3 8 man after
1.4 8 man infinity


1991 video game

the 8 man franchise revived in 1990s live-action film, video game , new animated series.

video game

in 1991, snk released video game edition of 8 man neo-geo arcade , home video game system (both versions identical) player took role of 8 man , robo-comrade 9 man in fight against invading evil robot army. game released internationally. while game stayed true concept of crime-fighting super-robot, panned being tedious , relying on gimmick of speed-running effect.

live-action movie

in 1992, live-action film version of 8 man produced in japan. titled eitoman - subete no sabishī yoru no tame ni (8マン・すべての寂しい夜のために, lit. 8 man - lonely night), directed yasuhiro horiuchi , starred kai shishido title character , toshihide wakamatsu detective yokota. distributed in united states fox lorber video 8 man, movie panned choppy editing, mediocre direction , low-budget feel. many modern american viewers, unfamiliar older animated series, felt movie inferior version of robocop, despite fact latter more recent franchise.

8 man after

in mid-1993, mantle of 8 man taken hazama itsuru in ova series 8 man after. existing in world far more corrupt of predecessor, new 8 man had no qualms being extremely violent towards cybernetic criminals had murdered him previously. licensed streamline pictures, has since gone out of print.

8 man infinity

a manga series called 8 man infinity (8マンインフィニティ eitoman infiniti) being authored kyoichi nanatsuki under kodansha, being serialized under kodansha s magazine z.


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