Philosophy Philo

1 philosophy

1.1 view of scripture
1.2 view of god
1.3 logos
1.4 numbers


philo represents apex of jewish-hellenistic syncretism. work attempts combine plato , moses 1 philosophical system. ethics influenced aristotelianism , stoicism, preferring morality of virtues without passions, such lust/desire , anger, common human sympathy .

view of scripture

philo bases doctrines on hebrew bible, considers source , standard not of religious truth of truth. pronouncements ἱερὸς λόγος, θεῖος λόγος, ὀρθὸς λόγος [holy word, godly word, righteous word] uttered directly , through mouth of prophet, , through moses, whom philo considers real medium of revelation. although distinguishes between words uttered god himself, decalogue, , edicts of moses, special laws, not carry out distinction, since believes in general in torah of divine origin, letters , accents.

philo regards bible source not of religious revelation, of philosophic truth; for, according him, greek philosophers have borrowed bible: heraclitus, according quis rerum divinarum heres sit § 43 [i. 503]; , zeno, according quod omnis probus liber, § 8 [ii. 454].

philo s allegorical interpretation of scripture allows him grapple morally disturbing events , impose cohesive explanation of otherwise contradictory , confusing stories. specifically, philo interprets characters of bible aspects of human being, , stories of bible episodes universal human experience. example, adam represents mind , eve senses. noah represents tranquility, stage of relative (incomplete progressing) righteousness.

view of god

in brief: philo affirms transcendent god without physical features or emotional qualities resembling of human beings. in philo, god exists beyond time , space , not make special interventions world because encompasses entire cosmos.

philo s notion more abstract of monad of pythagoras or of plato. god’s existence certain, no appropriate predicates can conceived. following plato, philo equates matter nothingness , sees effect in fallacy, discord, damage, , decay of things. view enables philo combine jewish belief in creation greek conviction formation of things permanent matter.


philo wrote god created , governed world through mediators. logos chief among them, next god, demiurge of world. logos immaterial, adequate image of god, shadow, firstborn son. being mind of eternal, logos imperishable. neither uncreated god is, nor created men are, occupies middle position. has no autonomous power, entrusted one.

philo first philosopher identified plato’s ideas creator’s thoughts. these thoughts make contents of logos; seals making sensual things during world creation. logos resembles book creature paradigms. architect’s design before construction of city serves philo simile of logos. since creation, logos binds things together. receptacle , holder of ideas, logos distinct material world. @ same time, logos pervades world, supporting it.

logos has function of advocate on behalf of humanity , of god’s envoy world. puts human minds in order. right reason infallible law, source of other laws. angel closing balaam’s way (numbers xxii, 31) interpreted philo manifestation of logos, acts man’s conscience.


philo engages in pythagorean-inspired numerology, explaining @ length importance of religious numbers such six, seven, , ten.

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