Controversies Robert Faurisson

faurisson fined french court in 1983, having declared hitler never ordered nor permitted killed reason of race or religion.

one of faurisson s works published introduction noam chomsky. turned out chomsky introduction had not been written purpose chomsky authorized use defend faurisson in different context. chomsky s piece general defense of freedom of speech, including of faurisson. chomsky stated see no anti-semitic implications in denial of existence of gas chambers, or denial of holocaust...i see no hint of anti-semitic implications in faurisson s work, , considered faurisson relatively apolitical liberal of sort . chomsky accused of supporting faurisson, rather defending right speech, first of accusations chomsky denied. noting had described holocaust fantastic outburst of collective insanity in human history , chomsky argued views diametrically opposed of faurisson on subject.

in september 1989, faurisson beaten unknown assailants claiming sons of memory of jews , organization nothing known, either before or since incident. faurisson had been walking dog in park in vichy , kicked , punched 3 young men, breaking jaw.

shortly after gayssot act enacted in 1990, faurisson convicted of holocaust denial in french court. faurisson filed complaint united nations human rights committee in 1993; in 1996, committee rejected faurisson s claim france s prosecution of him violation of first optional protocol international covenant on civil , political rights.

in 1991, faurisson removed university chair on basis of views under gayssot act, french statute passed in 1990 prohibited holocaust denial. challenged statute violation of international law @ international covenant on civil , political rights , human rights committee. human rights committee upheld gayssot act necessary counter possible antisemitism. further trials followed; among them, 1 in connection publication on website of association des anciens amateurs de récits de guerre et d holocauste (aaargh) in 1998, of absolved due lack of evidence of authorship.

faurisson charged again in trial on 11 july 2006. accused of denying holocaust in interview iranian television station sahar 1 in february 2005. on 3 october 2006, given three-month probationary sentence , fined €7,500 offence. in december 2006, faurisson gave speech @ international conference review global vision of holocaust, sponsored government of iran.

since late 2008, faurisson has become close comedian , political activist dieudonné m bala m bala, appearing him publicly on stage , in video, , celebrating (faurisson s) 80th birthday in theater. dieudonné awarded robert faurisson insolent outcast prize. award presented 1 of dieudonné s assistants, jacky, dressed in concentration camp uniform yellow badge. earned dieudonné court conviction.


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