Digital storage oscilloscope Oscilloscope types

screen of digital oscilloscope hp uses cathode-ray tube display

the digital storage oscilloscope, or dso short, preferred type industrial applications. instead of storage-type cathode ray tubes, dsos use digital memory, can store data long required without degradation. digital storage oscilloscope allows complex processing of signal high-speed digital signal processing circuits.

the vertical input digitized analog digital converter create data set stored in memory of microprocessor. data set processed , sent display, in dsos cathode ray tube, more lcd flat panel. dsos color lcd displays common. data set can sent on lan or wan processing or archiving. screen image can directly recorded on paper means of attached printer or plotter, without need oscilloscope camera. oscilloscope s own signal analysis software can extract many useful time-domain features (e.g., rise time, pulse width, amplitude), frequency spectra, histograms , statistics, persistence maps, , large number of parameters meaningful engineers in specialized fields such telecommunications, disk drive analysis , power electronics.

digital storage makes possible type of oscilloscope, equivalent-time sample oscilloscope. instead of taking consecutive samples after trigger event, 1 sample taken. however, oscilloscope able vary timebase precisely time sample, building picture of signal on subsequent repeats of signal. requires either clock or repeating pattern provided. type of oscilloscope used high speed communication because allows high sample rate , low amplitude noise compared traditional real-time oscilloscopes.

digital oscilloscopes limited principally performance of analog input circuitry, duration of sample window, , resolution of sample rate. when not using equivalent-time sampling, sampling frequency should @ least nyquist rate, double frequency of highest-frequency component of observed signal, otherwise aliasing occurs.

advantages on analog oscilloscope are:

brighter , bigger display color distinguish multiple traces
equivalent time sampling , averaging across consecutive samples or scans lead higher resolution down µv
peak detection
easy pan , zoom across multiple stored traces allows beginners work without trigger

this needs fast reaction of display (some oscilloscopes have 1 ms delay)
the knobs have large , turn smoothly

also slow traces temperature variation across day can recorded
allows automation.

a disadvantage of digital oscilloscopes limited refresh rate of screen. on analog oscilloscope, user can intuitive sense of trigger rate looking @ steadiness of crt trace. digital oscilloscope, screen looks same signal rate exceeds screen s refresh rate. additionally, difficult spot glitches or other rare phenomena on black-and-white screens of standard digital oscilloscopes; slight persistence of crt phosphors on analog oscilloscopes makes glitches visible if many subsequent triggers overwrite them. both of these difficulties have been overcome digital phosphor oscilloscopes , store data @ high refresh rate , display variable intensity, simulate trace persistence of crt oscilloscope.


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