Languages Philadelphia

italian market, part of south philadelphia s italian heritage

as of 2010, 79.12% (1,112,441) of philadelphia residents age 5 , older spoke english @ home primary language, while 9.72% (136,688) spoke spanish, 1.64% (23,075) chinese, 0.89% (12,499) vietnamese, 0.77% (10,885) russian, 0.66% (9,240) french, 0.61% (8,639) other asian languages, 0.58% (8,217) african languages, 0.56% (7,933) cambodian (mon-khmer), , italian spoken main language 0.55% (7,773) of population on age of five. in total, 20.88% (293,544) of philadelphia s population age 5 , older spoke mother language other english.


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