Gameplay 2 Football Manager (1982 series)

the team selection screen on c64. player placing attackers balance opponent s defenders

gameplay similar first game, text based screens (although more colourful original , contain @ least basic graphical elements). input moving cursor (using either joystick or mouse depending on system), rather entering numbers. game again starts player, whichever team chosen, in division 4 random allocation of players , player must attempt gain promotion division 1 now, fa cup, player can compete in league cup attempt win treble.

added features include team sponsorship, training screen allows choice of long or short passing tactics , ability place players in positions on pitch. done moving boxes representing players on graphical screen while comparing individual opponent players skills (although, first game, opposing players not named). means opposing strikers can man marked. main difference first game graphical highlights, on versions, feature full length of pitch on 3 screens rather goal attempts. also, @ half time, substitutions , formation changes can made.


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