Odontogenic cysts Cysts of the jaws

dental panoramic radiograph showing dentigerous cyst associated impacted lower right wisdom tooth in right mandible (arrowed, appears on lower left of image).

odontogenic cysts have histologic origins in cells of dental structures. inflammatory while others developmental.

radicular cyst common (up 2 thirds of cysts of jaws). inflammatory cyst originated reaction dental pulp necrosis.
dentigerous cyst, second prevalent cyst, associated crown of non-erupted tooth.
odontogenic keratocyst, considered tumor, , therefore called keratocystic odontogenic tumor. lesion may associated nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome.
buccal bifurcation cyst appears in buccal bifurcation region of mandibular first molars in second half of first decade of life.
eruption cyst; small cyst in gingiva tooth erupts, forming degenerating dental follicle
primordial cyst; previous thought unique entity. primordial cysts have proven keratocystic odontogenic tumors
orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst; variant of keratocystic odontogenic tumor
gingival cyst of newborn; inclusion cyst remanents of dental lamina on newborn gingiva
gingival cyst of adult; soft tissue variant of lateral periodontal cyst
lateral periodontal cyst; non-inflammatory cyst (vs radicular cyst) on side of tooth derived remanents of dental lamina
calcifying odontogenic cyst; rare lesion cystic , neoplastic features , significant diversity in presentation, histology , prognosis
glandular odontogenic cyst; cyst respiratory epithelial lining , potential recurrence characteristics similar central variant of low-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma

^ zadik y, yitschaky o, neuman t, nitzan dw (may 2011). on self-resolution nature of buccal bifurcation cyst . j oral maxillofac surg. 69 (7): e282. doi:10.1016/j.joms.2011.02.124. pmid 21571416. 


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