The Charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaklava 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons
william simpson s lithograph depicting 6th inniskilling dragoons @ battle of balaclava
the first assault line consisted of scots greys , 1 squadron of inniskillings, total of less 250 sabres. when rsms declared happy alignment did scarlett order bugler sound charge . idea of charge conjures images of light brigade dashing forward @ speed dragoons larger men heavier equipment charge more of trot. floundering @ obstacles such ditches or coppices headed towards massed ranks of russian cavalry, pressing on inexorably @ mere 8 miles hour. slow may have been effect of these heavy cavalrymen slamming lighter russian cavalry stunned enemy. letter captain of inniskillings illustrates mellee followed:
forward - dash - bang - clank, , there in midst of such smoke, cheer, , clatter, never before stunned mortal s ear. glorious! down, 1 one, aye, 2 two fell thick skulled , over-numerous cossacks.....down alas! fell many hero warm celtic heart, , more 1 fell screaming loud victory. not pause. push, wheel, frenzy, strike , down, down, down went. twice unhorsed, , more once had grip sword tighter, blood of foes streaming down on hilt, , running lost in ranks - in little bands battling - in order together, in , out.
in words of colonel paget of light brigade mighty affair, , considering difficulties under heavy brigade laboured, , disparity of numbers, feat of arms which, if ever had equal, never surpassed in annals of cavalry warfare, , importance of in results can never known.
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