Traditional folk culture Horňácko

horňácko region in moravia development of traditional music remained uninterrupted. culture of region considered among purest , well-preserved in czech republic . composer leoš janáček regarded horňácko important center of traditional folk music in moravian slovakia .

the bagpipe music of horňácko, unusual element in moravian traditional music, replaced string instruments in second half of 19th century. initial line-up of traditional band consisted of violins (it called hudecká ). other instruments, such viola, clarinet, double bass , brass instruments joined in late 19th century. cimbalom, traditional part of today s moravian folk ensemble, appeared in horňácko in 1930s.

traditional folk musicians velká nad veličkou.

traditional music of horňácko formed several distinctive stylistic elements. ornamentation of melody varies instrument , musician. first violinist (called primáš , leader of ensemble) plays complicated variations. other musicians accompany primáš own ornamentations, following basic structure of song. folk musicians horňácko use unusual combinations of tones , harsh harmonies, seemingly omitting standard procedures of musical theory. structure is, however, firmly anchored rhythmic , harmonic plan.

an important feature of horňácko folk songs communicative function. lyrics of songs serve means of expression various opinions , feelings: love, joy, sadness, powerty, unfulfilled expectations etc. important form of musical setting of songs dance music.

a significant type of folk song in horňácko called „táhlé“ (in slow tempo). style of music varies males , females due respective roles in traditional society. male repertoire consists largely of military , dance songs, contains songs explicit sexual content (called ščeglivé in local dialect). on other hand, female repertoire makes use of balladic type songs.

the role of folk musician, called hudec , still prestigiously regarded in horňácko. famous violinists , way of playing become subject of cultish adoration . jan Ňorek, jožka kubík , martin hrbáč rank among legendary violinists of horňácko.

horňácko folk festival (in czech: horňácké slavnosti) important event in region. festival, focused solely on authentic folklore of region, held annually 1957. features local musicians , artists , attracts visitors every corner of czech republic. festival traditionally held around feast day of st. mary magdalene (on 22 july).


traditional costume of horňácko represents important , characteristic part of local folk culture. folk costume classified mountain-type , folk clothing @ moravian wallachia or kopanice. oldest influences may perhaps come pagan eras. white color considered funerial, similar customs of old slavs. characteristic embroidery of horňácko has roots in renaissance period.


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