War of the Austrian Succession 3rd The King's Own Hussars
member of 3rd king s own hussars (on right) 1815
when regiment had finished recruiting in england, dispatched north scotland. there, formed part of english garrison, intimidating scottish population in attempt repress attempts @ jacobite rising. when george ascended english throne in 1714, regiment s title once again altered, , same year became king s own regiment of dragoons. shortly after ascension, major jacobite uprising occurred; regiment amongst english troops assembled in scotland bar advance of jacobite forces. @ battle of sheriffmuir on 13 november, english army commanded duke of argyll, included regiment, defeated larger jacobite army; sources vague on exact details of regiment s involvement, known formed part of army s left wing, supporting several infantry regiments. wing struck jacobite infantry assault, inflicted significant casualties, 3 squadrons regiment charged infantry , forced retreat; allowed english forces retire , reassemble without further loss. regiment did not see further action during uprising, remaining duke of argyll s army, pursued jacobite forces retreated northwards. army occupied aberdeen on 8 february; shortly after rebellion came end. short period, regiment stationed @ elgin, , transferred southern england, remained more 20 years; became understrength garrison force , did little apart conduct occasional raids against smugglers on english coast. on 20 october 1740, charles vi died , daughter, maria theresa of austria, took place on habsburg throne; ascendancy caused great deal of political controversy, resulted in war of austrian succession. king george ii pledged support of great britain maria theresa and, in may 1742, 16,000 strong british army sailed ostend link military forces of dutch republic, had decided support maria theresa. king s own dragoons formed part of army.
the english forces arrived in dutch republic, did not go on campaign, instead moving winter quarters in bruges , ghent. army departed in february 1743 , advanced towards rhine valley; regiment chosen form part of advance guard. june, english army had joined hanoverian , austrian forces river main. allied forces, totalled approximately 44,000 troops, opposed 70,000 french troops. after period of marching , counter-marching, , arrival of king george ii took personal command of allied forces, french army engaged allies @ battle of dettingen on 27 june. king s own dragoons placed on left flank of allied army, instructions protect infantry force advanced. exposed french artillery fire 3 hours, suffering heavy casualties, regiment ordered advance, , clashed larger force of french household cavalry; after fierce engagement, , more casualties, drove off french cavalry. shortly after this, french army forced retreat, , remnants of regiment participated in general cavalry pursit of french forces, inflicted further casualties. regiment suffered 42 officer , other ranks killed, , 106 wounded, shrinking size considerably; provoked comment george ii when reviewed allied forces after end of battle. asked aide whom regiment belonged in sharp tone, commanding officer replied, please, majesty, regiment, , believe remainder of @ dettingen.
the battle of dettingen had brought french advance towards dutch republic halt, , conflict devolved long series of small , indecisive battles in southern netherlands. in late 1743, regiment moved winter quarters in ghent , received shipment of recruits bolster ranks; however, regiment did not move southern netherlands until may 1745, when duke of cumberland dispatched continent take command of allied army. cumberland advanced towards city of tournai in may, failed besiege due strengthened defences; few days later, allied army engaged @ battle of fontenoy, decisively defeated superior french forces. unfortunately, there no detailed records describe king s own dragoons s participation in battle; regiments commanding officer noted regiment had launched several cavalry charges against french line, had been forced retreat rest of allied army after suffering 9 killed , 18 missing. allied army retreated towards southern netherlands, pursued french, regiment did not engage in further fighting; instead, dispatched northwards receive more recruits, , ordered prepare transported england. on 25 july, taking advantage of english defeat @ battle of fontenoy, prince charles edward stuart landed in invernessshire , began organise jacobite uprising.
within month of landing, stuart had raised force of 1,600 men various scottish clans, , began march south, increasing numbers 2,500 mid-september, when entered edinburgh. prince advanced, duke of cumberland assembled english regiments in flanders , had them transported england, arriving in london on 25 october , joining rest of english army @ lichfield. however, advice of several of senior officers, combined lack of support french , english jacobites, prompted stuart order retreat, forces moving north towards scotland english army in pursuit. on 16 december, advance guard of english army, included king s own dragoons, managed overtake jacobite rearguard , laid ambush. ambush did not succeed due being performed in dark, , english forces suffered more casualties inflicted. regiment dismounted , fought infantry during ambush, clashing repeatedly jacobite forces , engaging in hand-to-hand fighting, suffering number of casualties. regiment re-mounted , pursued jacobite rearguard carlisle, being stationed near town until surrendered on 30 december. records regiment next year vague; appears did see action during battle of culloden in 1746, there no details. after english victory @ culloden, regiment advanced scotland rest of english army, before being detached dundee; after rebellion had been suppressed, moved york, guarded jacobite prisoners.
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