2004–2008 first Prime Minister term Janez Janša

janez janša s cabinet in 2004

janša first time prime minister of slovenia november 2004 november 2008. during term characterized over-enthusiasm after joining eu, between 2005 , 2008 slovenian banks have seen loan-deposit ratio veering out of control, over-borrowing foreign banks , over-crediting private sector, leading unsustainable growth.

it first time after 1992 president of republic , prime minister had represented opposing political factions more few months. relationship between drnovšek , government became tense. after landslide victory of opposition candidate danilo türk in 2007 presidential election, janša filed motion of confidence in government on 15 november 2007, stating opposition s criticism interfering government s work during slovenia s presidency on european union. government won vote, held on 19 november, 51 votes supporting , 33 opposing it. in speech delivered after vote, janša announced, among other, intensification of fight against financial criminality , illegal concentration of capital in hands of single powerful managers, whom referred tycoons. in following months, slovenian police , public prosecution launched full-scale investigation against of biggest companies in country, namely against laško brewery concern.

janša @ summit of european people s party

in beginning of december 2011, several clips of recordings of closed sessions of government of slovenia during mandate of janez janša published on video-sharing website youtube.

allegations made against janez janša tried subordinate slovenian media. on 1 september 2008, 3 weeks before slovenian parliamentary elections, allegations made in finnish tv in documentary broadcast finnish national broadcasting company yle janša had received bribes finnish defense company patria (73.2% of property of finnish government) in so-called patria case. janša rejected accusations media conspiracy concocted left-wing slovenian journalists, , demanded yle provide evidence or retract story. janša s naming of individual journalists, including of behind 2007 petition against political pressure on slovenian journalists, , perceived use of diplomatic channels in attempt coerce finnish government interfering yle editorial policy, drew criticism media freedom organizations, such international press institute , european branch of international federation of journalists representative, aidan white, ifj general secretary, said (janša s) government distorting facts, failing tell slovenians truth , trying pull wool on eyes of european public attitude media .


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