Austria.E2.80.93Hungary .281867.E2.80.931918.29 History of Hungary

map of counties in hungary around 1880

magyars in kingdom of hungary in 1890

vienna realized political reform unavoidable secure integrity of habsburg empire. major military defeats, such battle of königgrätz in 1866, forced emperor franz joseph accept internal reforms. appease hungarian separatists, emperor made equitable deal hungary, austro-hungarian compromise of 1867 negotiated ferenc deák, dual monarchy of austria–hungary came existence. 2 realms governed separately 2 parliaments 2 capitals, common monarch , common foreign , military policies. economically, empire customs union. first prime minister of hungary after compromise count gyula andrássy. old hungarian constitution restored, , franz joseph crowned king of hungary.

in 1868, hungarian , croatian assemblies concluded croatian–hungarian agreement croatia recognised autonomous region.

the new nation of austria-hungary geographically second largest country in europe after russian empire. territories appraised @ 621,540 square kilometres (239,977 sq mi) in 1905.) after russia , german empire, third populous country in europe.

hungarian nationalists demanded education in magyar language, position united catholics , protestants opposed instruction in latin desired catholic bishops. in hungarian diet of 1832–36, conflict between catholic laymen , clergy sharpened considerably, , mixed commission established. offered protestants limited concessions. basic issue of religious , educational struggle how promote magyar language , magyar nationalism , achieve more independence german austria.

the landed nobility controlled villages , monopolized political roles. in parliament, magnates held life memberships in upper house, gentry dominated lower house and, after 1830, parliamentary life. tension between crown (the german-speaking habsburgs in vienna) , country remained constant political fixture compromise of 1867 enabled magyar nobility run country, left emperor control on foreign , military policies. conflicts between magnates , gentry appeared regarding protection against cheap food imports (in 1870s), church-state problem (in 1890s), , constitutional crisis (in 1900s). gentry gradually lost power locally , rebuilt political base more on office-holding rather landownership. depended more , more on state apparatus , reluctant challenge it.

cutaway drawing of millennium underground in budapest (1894–1896) first underground in continental europe.


the era witnessed significant economic development in rural areas. formerly backwards hungarian economy became relatively modern , industrialized turn of 20th century, although agriculture remained dominant. in 1873, old capital buda , Óbuda (ancient buda) officially merged third city, pest, creating new metropolis of budapest. dynamic pest grew country s administrative, political, economic, trade , cultural hub.

technological advancement accelerated industrialization , urbanization. gross national product per capita grew 1.45% per year 1870 1913. level of growth compared favorably of other european nations such britain (1.00%), france (1.06%), , germany (1.51%). leading industries in economic expansion electricity , electro-technology, telecommunications, , transport (especially locomotive, tram , ship construction). key symbols of industrial progress ganz concern , tungsram works. many of state institutions , modern administrative systems of hungary established during period.

the census of hungarian state in 1910 (excluding croatia), recorded following population distribution: hungarian 54.5%, romanian 16.1%, slovak 10.7%, , german 10.4%. religious denomination greatest number of adherents roman catholicism (49.3%), followed calvinism (14.3%), greek orthodoxy (12.8%), greek catholicism (11.0%), lutheranism (7.1%), , judaism (5.0%)


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