The final years Michelangelo

self-portrait of artist nicodemus

the pietà of vittoria colonna chalk drawing of type described presentation drawings , might given gift artist, , not studies towards painted work. in image, mary s upraise arms , upraised hands indicative of prophetic role. frontal aspect reminiscent of masaccio s fresco of holy trinity in basilica of santa maria novella, florence.

in florentine pietà, michelangelo again depicts himself, time aged nicodemus lowering body of jesus cross arms of mary mother , mary magdalene. michelangelo smashed left arm , leg of figure of jesus. pupil tiberio calcagni repaired arm , drilled hole in fix replacement leg not subsequently attached. worked on figure of mary magdalene.

the last sculpture michelangelo worked on (six days before death), rondanini pietà never completed because michelangelo carved away until there insufficient stone. legs , detached arm remain previous stage of work. remains, sculpture has abstract quality, in keeping 20th-century concepts of sculpture..

michelangelo died in rome in 1564, @ age of 88 (three weeks before 89th birthday). body taken rome interment @ basilica of santa croce, fulfilling maestro s last request buried in beloved florence.


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