Early life.2C 1475.E2.80.9388 Michelangelo

the madonna of stairs (1490–92), michelangelo s earliest known work in marble

michelangelo born on 6 march 1475 in caprese near arezzo, tuscany (known today caprese michelangelo). several generations, family had been small-scale bankers in florence, bank failed, , father, ludovico di leonardo buonarroti simoni, briefly took government post in caprese, michelangelo born. @ time of michelangelo s birth, father judicial administrator of small town of caprese , local administrator of chiusi. michelangelo s mother francesca di neri del miniato di siena. buonarrotis claimed descend countess mathilde of canossa; claim remains unproven, michelangelo himself believed it. several months after michelangelo s birth, family returned florence, raised. @ later times, during mother s prolonged illness , after death in 1481, when 6 years old, michelangelo lived nanny , husband, stonecutter, in town of settignano, father owned marble quarry , small farm. there michelangelo gained love marble, giorgio vasari quotes him:

if there in me, because born in subtle atmosphere of country of arezzo. along milk of nurse received knack of handling chisel , hammer, make figures.


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