History Penicuik

valleyfield monument

penicuik site of prison camp french prisoners during napoleonic wars (housed in old range @ valleyfield mill). former camp site of housing development in valleyfield. monument dated 1830 river esk commemorates mortal remains of 309 prisoners of war died 1811-14 . erected alexander cowan owner of paper mill, house overlooked burial site.

penicuik hosted inaugural grand match in curling, between north , south of scotland, in 1847. took place on high pond on estate of penicuik house, not low pond still used curling on rare occasions. town became burgh in 1867. in oldest part of penicuik, surrounding town centre , south of former pow camp, crossing river esk pomathorn bridge once toll bridge , main route between edinburgh north , scottish borders south. such penicuik has number of ancient traveller s inns, including crown, , royal. because of location on such busy caravan route, both these public houses advertise patronage of many characters scottish 18th century history, including alleged visits burke , hare , bonnie prince charlie.

the town, whilst architecturally undistinguished contains 2 masterpieces frederick thomas pilkington: south church (originally united free church, of 1862; , flamboyant park end houses on bridge street of 1862.


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