John Yarde-Buller.2C 1st Baron Churston .281799-1871.29 Lupton, Brixham

sir john yarde-buller, 3rd baronet, circa 1850, later 1st baron churston

marble statue of john rolle, 1st baron rolle (1750-1842), edward bowring stephens, entrance hall of lupton house, inscribed on rear: e b stephens sculp london 1843 . statue dominates entrance hall of lupton , placed there john yarde-buller, 1st baron churston, shortly after remodelling of house , 1 year after lord rolle s death. not known why buller held lord rolle in such high esteem. statue survived later disastrous fire, having lost tips of right hand , left foot. staircase behind modern replacement of destroyed in fire. identical version dated 1844 exists in entrance hall of bicton house, lord rolle s home

john yarde-buller, 1st baron churston (1799-1871), son , heir, 3rd baronet, in 1858 created baron churston of churston-ferrers , lupton, devon , in 1833 inherited lupton house , years later made extensive improvements lupton house , gardens, designs of george wightwick. in 1860 royal licence dropped first buller family surname.

he born in 1799 in staffordshire , educated @ oxford. in 1834 elected member of parliament south devon, seat held 20 years. in 1823 married elizabeth wilson-patten, daughter of thomas wilson-pattern, wealthy land owner, whom had 2 children john , bertha.

a notice appeared in 1841 in local newspaper;

“the recent alterations , improvements @ lupton, splendid residence of sir j yarde buller having been completed honourable baronet has again returned of establishment.

these alterations designed george wightwick, well-known architect. twenty 6 plans survive of additions made house. main entrance moved south west side , doric porte-cochere added. tudor gothic lodge added. @ same time formal gardens , terraces constructed south , east of house. new south drive constructed, , cedars , pines planted in park.

wightwick designed stables, conservatory , kennels surviving plans reveal. @ same time artist samuel cook commission paint murals on walls of staircase of views outside house. further remodeling of house made 1st baron in 1860 when commissioned anthony salvin make more additions.

james veitch, landscape designer lupton house

it seems 2 famous designers involved in laying out of lupton gardens in 1840, namely james veitch , george wightwick. italian gardens appear have been @ least partially designed george wightwick detailed coloured plan survives in portfolio entitled: design italian gardens, lupton house, near brixham: general plan , elevation , section of balustrade on dwarf wall .

ordnance survey map of lupton house in 1869, showing garden

a detailed description of whole garden given in gardeners chronicle , agricultural gazette in 1869. article states james veitch designed gardens, road , kitchen garden. of highlights of garden outlined in 2 part magazine feature follows:

garden bounded , likewise partially divided round centre strong balustraded wall furnished iron supports , chains drooping between uprights. these chains prove capital training places creepers , covered. whole garden carried out on level base of mansion. laid out on solid basis of gravel , granite walks, chief paths being edged stone. figure simple – square cut 2 centre walk converges upon fountain, fountain being picked out upon inner line of semicircle completes boundary of garden. secondary arrangements may termed or dividing of these spaces beds harmonise general outline, architectural position , character of garden.

the second part of feature describes kitchen garden follows:

garden divided 2 portions – fruit garden , vegetable garden; wide slips of ground carried round outside walls cultural purposes , nice young orchard of thriving trees occupies space between garden , public road. ground in fruit garden has been made if not quite level in th vegetable garden has regular , fall. immense quantities of earth had moved secure these forms of surface , turned account thus:- @ boundary of fruit garden thick retaining wall built; in front of wall range of glass running right across garden built leaving room fruit rooms, sheds stoke holes etc. between 2 walls. spare earth used fill space between 2 walls , carry terrace walk right across garden, 8 or ten feet above vegetable ground.

the 1st baron died in 1871 , succeeded grandson in title , properties, son had predeceased him.


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