Later modern period .281700.E2.80.931918.29 History of Hungary

1 later modern period (1700–1918)

1.1 period of reforms (1825–1848)
1.2 revolution , war of independence
1.3 austria–hungary (1867–1918)

1.3.1 economy

1.4 world war i

later modern period (1700–1918)

ferenc rákóczi.

there series of anti-habsburg , anti-catholic uprisings between 1604 , 1711, rebelling against austrian rule , restrictions on non-catholic christian denominations. exception of last, took place within territories of royal hungary, organized transylvania. last uprising led francis ii rákóczi, took power ruling prince of hungary after declared dethronement of habsburgs in 1707 @ diet of Ónod.

budapest university of technology , economics, oldest university of technology in world, founded in 1782.

despite successes anti-hapsburg kuruc army, such near-capture of austrian emperor joseph Ádám balogh, rebels lost decisive battle of trencin in 1708. when austrians defeated kuruc uprising in 1711, rákóczi in poland. later fled france, turkey, , died in 1735 in tekirdağ (rodosto). afterward, make further armed resistance infeasible, austrians demolished of castles on border between now-reclaimed territories occupied earlier ottomans , royal hungary.

the period of reforms (1825–1848)

hungarian nationalism emerged among intellectuals influenced enlightenment , romanticism. grew rapidly, providing foundation revolution of 1848–49. there special focus on magyar language, replaced latin language of state , schools.

in 1820s, emperor francis forced convene hungarian diet, inaugurated reform period. nevertheless, progress slowed nobles clung privileges (exemption taxes, exclusive voting rights, etc.). therefore, achievements of symbolic character, such progress of magyar language.

count istván széchenyi, nation s prominent statesman, recognized urgent need modernization, , message taken heart other hungarian political leaders. hungarian parliament reconvened in 1825 handle financial needs. liberal party emerged focusing on peasantry , proclaiming understanding of needs of laborers. lajos kossuth emerged leader of lower gentry in parliament.

habsburg monarchs, desiring agrarian, traditional hungary, tried hinder industrialization of country. remarkable upswing started nation concentrated on modernization despite habsburg obstruction of important liberal laws concerning civil , political rights , economic reforms. many reformers (such lajos kossuth , mihály táncsics) imprisoned authorities.

revolution , war of independence

artist mihály zichy s rendition of sándor petőfi reciting nemzeti dal (national anthem) crowd on 15 march 1848

on 15 march 1848, mass demonstrations in pest , buda enabled hungarian reformists push through list of twelve demands. hungarian diet took advantage of revolutions of 1848 in habsburg areas enact april laws, comprehensive legislative program of dozens of civil rights reforms. faced revolution both @ home , in hungary, austrian emperor ferdinand @ first had accept hungarian demands. after austrian uprising suppressed, new emperor franz joseph replaced epileptic uncle ferdinand. franz joseph rejected reforms , started arm against hungary. year later, in april 1849, independent government of hungary established.

the new government seceded austrian empire. house of habsburg dethroned in hungarian part of austrian empire , first republic of hungary proclaimed, lajos kossuth governor , president. first prime minister lajos batthyány. emperor franz joseph , advisers skillfully manipulated new nation s ethnic minorities, croatian, serbian , romanian peasantry, led priests , officers firmly loyal habsburgs, , induced them rebel against new government. hungarians supported vast majority of slovaks, germans, , rusyns of country, , jews, large number of polish, austrian , italian volunteers.

many members of non-hungarian nationalities secured high positions in hungarian army, example general jános damjanich, ethnic serb became hungarian national hero through command of 3rd hungarian army corps. initially, hungarian forces (honvédség) managed hold ground. in july 1849, hungarian parliament proclaimed , enacted progressive ethnic , minority rights in world, late. subdue hungarian revolution, franz joseph has prepared troops against hungary , obtained gendarme of europe , russian czar nicholas i. in june, russian armies invaded transylvania in concert austrian armies marching on hungary western fronts on had been victorious (italy, galicia , bohemia).

the russian , austrian forces overwhelmed hungarian army, , general artúr görgey surrendered in august 1849. austrian marshall julius freiherr von haynau became governor of hungary few months and, on 6 october ordered execution of 13 leaders of hungarian army (the 13 martyrs of arad) prime minister batthyány. lajos kossuth escaped exile.

following war of 1848–1849, country sank passive resistance . archduke albrecht von habsburg appointed governor of kingdom of hungary, , time remembered germanization pursued of czech officers.

austria–hungary (1867–1918)

map of counties in hungary around 1880

magyars in kingdom of hungary in 1890

vienna realized political reform unavoidable secure integrity of habsburg empire. major military defeats, such battle of königgrätz in 1866, forced emperor franz joseph accept internal reforms. appease hungarian separatists, emperor made equitable deal hungary, austro-hungarian compromise of 1867 negotiated ferenc deák, dual monarchy of austria–hungary came existence. 2 realms governed separately 2 parliaments 2 capitals, common monarch , common foreign , military policies. economically, empire customs union. first prime minister of hungary after compromise count gyula andrássy. old hungarian constitution restored, , franz joseph crowned king of hungary.

in 1868, hungarian , croatian assemblies concluded croatian–hungarian agreement croatia recognised autonomous region.

the new nation of austria-hungary geographically second largest country in europe after russian empire. territories appraised @ 621,540 square kilometres (239,977 sq mi) in 1905.) after russia , german empire, third populous country in europe.

hungarian nationalists demanded education in magyar language, position united catholics , protestants opposed instruction in latin desired catholic bishops. in hungarian diet of 1832–36, conflict between catholic laymen , clergy sharpened considerably, , mixed commission established. offered protestants limited concessions. basic issue of religious , educational struggle how promote magyar language , magyar nationalism , achieve more independence german austria.

the landed nobility controlled villages , monopolized political roles. in parliament, magnates held life memberships in upper house, gentry dominated lower house and, after 1830, parliamentary life. tension between crown (the german-speaking habsburgs in vienna) , country remained constant political fixture compromise of 1867 enabled magyar nobility run country, left emperor control on foreign , military policies. conflicts between magnates , gentry appeared regarding protection against cheap food imports (in 1870s), church-state problem (in 1890s), , constitutional crisis (in 1900s). gentry gradually lost power locally , rebuilt political base more on office-holding rather landownership. depended more , more on state apparatus , reluctant challenge it.

cutaway drawing of millennium underground in budapest (1894–1896) first underground in continental europe.


the era witnessed significant economic development in rural areas. formerly backwards hungarian economy became relatively modern , industrialized turn of 20th century, although agriculture remained dominant. in 1873, old capital buda , Óbuda (ancient buda) officially merged third city, pest, creating new metropolis of budapest. dynamic pest grew country s administrative, political, economic, trade , cultural hub.

technological advancement accelerated industrialization , urbanization. gross national product per capita grew 1.45% per year 1870 1913. level of growth compared favorably of other european nations such britain (1.00%), france (1.06%), , germany (1.51%). leading industries in economic expansion electricity , electro-technology, telecommunications, , transport (especially locomotive, tram , ship construction). key symbols of industrial progress ganz concern , tungsram works. many of state institutions , modern administrative systems of hungary established during period.

the census of hungarian state in 1910 (excluding croatia), recorded following population distribution: hungarian 54.5%, romanian 16.1%, slovak 10.7%, , german 10.4%. religious denomination greatest number of adherents roman catholicism (49.3%), followed calvinism (14.3%), greek orthodoxy (12.8%), greek catholicism (11.0%), lutheranism (7.1%), , judaism (5.0%)

world war i

after assassination of austrian archduke franz ferdinand in sarajevo on 28 june 1914, hungarian prime minister istván tisza , cabinet tried avoid outbreak of war in europe, diplomatic attempts remained unsuccessful. general war began on 28 july declaration of war on serbia austria-hungary.

austria–hungary drafted 9 million soldiers in world war i, of 4 million kingdom of hungary. during first world war, austria–hungary fought on side of germany, bulgaria , ottoman empire– so-called central powers. conquered serbia easily, , romania declared war. central powers conquered southern romania , romanian capital of bucharest. in november 1916, emperor franz joseph died; new monarch, emperor charles of austria, sympathized pacifists in realm.

with great difficulty, central powers repelled attacks of russian empire. eastern front of so-called (entente) powers allied russia collapsed. austria-hungary withdrew defeated countries. on italian front, austro-hungarian army not make more successful progress against italy after january 1918. despite great successes on eastern front, germany suffered complete defeat in more determinant western front.

by 1918, economic situation had deteriorated alarmingly in austria-hungary; strikes in factories organized leftist , pacifist movements, , uprisings in army had become commonplace. in capital cities of vienna , budapest, austrian , hungarian leftist liberal movements , leaders supported separatism of ethnic minorities. austria-hungary signed armistice of villa giusti in padua on 3 november 1918. in october 1918, personal union between austria , hungary dissolved.


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