Volumes Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh

1 volumes

1.1 volumes

1.1.1 bangladesh profile
1.1.2 cyanobacteria, bacteria , fungi
1.1.3 algae (chlorophyta: aphanochaetaceae- zygnemataceae)
1.1.4 algae: clorophyta – rhodophyta
1.1.5 volumes 5 - 12
1.1.6 index volume flora
1.1.7 volumes 13- 28


the encyclopedia of flora , fauna of bangladesh has been published in 28 volumes. among volumes 11 flora, 14 volumes fauna, 1 volume bangladesh , there 2 index volumes.

bangladesh profile

this 230-page encyclopedia. covers in 20 articles environment of bangladesh. describes sundarban.

cyanobacteria, bacteria , fungi

this 415 page volume contains prokaryotes.

algae (chlorophyta: aphanochaetaceae- zygnemataceae)

division chlorophyta or green algae abundant in bangladesh, world s second largest delta next amazon basin in brazil . volume describes 1,317 species collected land , studied 1 of celebrated algologist of country, national professor k m nurul islam. species ireksokonia formosa, endemic lake baikal isolated bangladesh , described in volume. 812 pp.

algae: clorophyta – rhodophyta

(achnanthaceae – vaucheriaceae) volume adds additional 800 species of algae described in volume 3 bringing algal biodiversity of country 2000 species. aquatic, rich biodiversity in considerable threat due habitat loss result of intense human activity , rapid depletion of water bodies. 543 pp

volumes 5 - 12

the volume 5- 12 contains bryophytes higher dicotyledonous plants.

index volume flora

it index of flora of bangladesh.

volumes 13- 28

describe fauna of bangladesh.


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