Life sciences and medicine Virus

scientist studying h5n1 influenza virus

viruses important study of molecular , cell biology provide simple systems can used manipulate , investigate functions of cells. study , use of viruses have provided valuable information aspects of cell biology. example, viruses have been useful in study of genetics , helped our understanding of basic mechanisms of molecular genetics, such dna replication, transcription, rna processing, translation, protein transport, , immunology.

geneticists use viruses vectors introduce genes cells studying. useful making cell produce foreign substance, or study effect of introducing new gene genome. in similar fashion, virotherapy uses viruses vectors treat various diseases, can target cells , dna. shows promising use in treatment of cancer , in gene therapy. eastern european scientists have used phage therapy alternative antibiotics time, , interest in approach increasing, because of high level of antibiotic resistance found in pathogenic bacteria. expression of heterologous proteins viruses basis of several manufacturing processes being used production of various proteins such vaccine antigens , antibodies. industrial processes have been developed using viral vectors , number of pharmaceutical proteins in pre-clinical , clinical trials.


virotherapy involves use of genetically modified viruses treat diseases. viruses have been modified scientists reproduce in cancer cells , destroy them not infect healthy cells. talimogene laherparepvec (t-vec), example, modified herpes simplex virus has had gene, required viruses replicate in healthy cells, deleted , replaced human gene (gm-csf) stimulates immunity. when virus infects cancer cells, destroys them , in doing presence gm-csf gene attracts dendritic cells surrounding tissues of body. dendritic cells process dead cancer cells , present components of them other cells of immune system. having completed successful clinical trials, virus expected gain approval treatment of skin cancer called melanoma in late 2015. viruses have been reprogrammed kill cancer cells called oncolytic viruses.


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