School Sports Montague Regional High School

1 school sports

1.1 sports @ montague
1.2 sports tournaments

1.2.1 vikings classic
1.2.2 hoopfest

school sports
sports @ montague

montague home many sports give students chance play , have fun during 3 years of high school. @ mrhs there 7,400-square-foot (690 m) gymnasium , auxiliary gym, 1 field hockey field, 2 soccer/rugby fields , 2 softball fields. sports fields surround school belong not school, rather town of montague. school sports @ montague regional high school coached , organized both teachers , members of community.

sports @ montague regional high include:

the athletic logo montague high s football team.

men s , women s basketball
women s , men s ice hockey
men s , women s wrestling
women s , men s rugby
men s , women s cross country
women s , men s soccer
men s , women s softball
women s , men s track & field
men s , women s golf
women s , men s badminton
men s , women s volleyball
women s , men s powerlifting
men s football
women s field hockey

sports tournaments
the vikings classic

a women s basketball tournament hosted in december montague regional high school draws schools competing across 3 prince edward island counties are: kings county, queens county, , prince county.

the annual teams montague vikings, souris spartans, morell marlins, , kinkora blazers.


a men s basketball tournament hosted in february montague regional high school draws schools competing across 3 prince edward island counties are: kings county, queens county, , prince county. total of 6 men s basketball teams schools across province take part in annual basketball tournament sponsored subway.

the annual teams montague vikings, morell marlins, kensington torchmen, kinkora blazers 3 oaks axemen , colonel gray colonels.


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