Afro-alpine zone Natural history of Mount Kenya

giant lobelias grow sessile rosettes 50 centimetres (20 in) across, produce inflorescences 3 metres (10 ft) tall. tussock grass grows alongside lobelias.

dendrosenecio keniensis, lobelia keniensis , tussock grasses dominant in wetter areas. alchemilla species a. cyclophylla, a. argyrophylla , a. johnstonii dominant in drier areas.

there on 100 species of wildflowers in afro-alpine zone including everlastings (helichrysum spp.), buttercups (ranunculus orephytes), sunburst (haplocarpha rupellii) , african gladioli (gladiolus thomsoni). because of variation in flowering times, species in flower @ times of year.

on alpine slopes there several species of birds. red-tufted sunbirds live here, alpine chats, slender-billed starlings, wagtails , birds of prey such augur buzzard, lammergeier, mackinder s eagle owl, , verreaux s eagle (which specializes on hunting rock hyrax). birds pollinate lobelia species.

there butterflies, there no bees, wasps, fleas, or mosquitoes. trout have been introduced streams , tarns , found around mountain.

smaller mammal species live in afro-alpine zone, including groove-toothed rat, giant mole-rats, african dormice , rock hyrax. few large mammals found @ altitude. eland , zebra found in dry areas, , common duiker found throughout alpine zone. buffalo, elephant , hyena visitors.

the common large mammalian carnivore in afro-alpine zone leopard, although lion , hyena have been seen in alpine zone. melanistic leopards occur.


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