Families Gobioidei

1 families

1.1 gobiidae
1.2 kraemeriidae
1.3 rhyacichthyidae
1.4 eleotridae
1.5 microdesmidae
1.6 ptereleotridae
1.7 schindleriidae


the family gobiidae, made of fish called gobies, largest marine family of fish around 1,950 different species. gobies commonly have pelvic fins fused together, allows them use pelvic fins suction device keep them anchored on hard surface such rock or piece of coral. gobies live in association invertebrates such sponges , sea urchins in or around corals both soft , hard; however, species live on bare mud , sand. gobies typically small fish; many not exceed total length of 10 cm. of smallest fish in world belong suborder such trimmatom nanus. species, found in indian ocean, 8–10 mm adult. largest of gobiids found in south atlantic , caribbean region; violet goby, gobioides broussenetti, can grow length of 50 cm; goby. purple in color. resembles eel elongated anal , dorasl fins. gobies in genera periophthalmus , boleophthalmus practically amphibious, meaning can breathe in , out of water. species such atlantic mudskipper (periophthalmus barbarus), can grow length of 25 cm, can breathe air. these gobies skip across mud of intertidal flats in mangrove swamps in search of food; adults feed on crabs, insects, , other arthropods.

atlantic mudskipper (periophthalmus barbarus)

while of species in family found in marine setting, species inhabit freshwater streams , lakes, of important island stream assemblages. species such red-tailed stream goby (lentipes concolor) able use fused pelvic fins suction device enables them ascend rock faces alongside waterfalls, allowing them inhabit waters far ocean.


the members of family kraemeriidae known sand gobies because these particular gobies regularly rest in sand heads showing. genus knipowitschia 1 of 5 genera in kraemeriid family. fifteen different species found within genus knipowitschia; vrgorac goby (knipowitschia croatica) 1 of them. species found in black sea , surrounding seas such caspian , adriatic. can grow 5 cm, reaches sexual maturity @ age, being able reproduce @ length of 45 mm. females lay clutch of 200 600 eggs. spawning occurs march november, majority of spawning activity occurs between april , september.


the species within family rhyacichthyidae known loach gobies; these fish found in , around indonesia , australia. third of body towards tail flat; adaptation, along pelvic fins serving suction cup, allows them withstand strong currents.


the family of eleotridae referred sleepers because these fish lie still on bottom if asleep. have wide range , distributed in tropical , subtropical regions in estuaries , streams. eleotridae primary predators in streams , ocean islands in , around areas such hawaii , new zealand, larger predators absent.


microdesmidae referred wormfish family. these similar fish kraemeriidae in fact they, too, submerge in sand , mud. difference anatomical appearance of microdesmidae family; these small fish resemble eel.


chinese zebra goby (ptereleotris zebra)

the fish within family ptereleotridae have several names associated them: dart fish, fire fish, , hover gobies because of bright coloration, ability hover above bottom of reef, whereas gobies lying on bottom of time. called dart fish because when threatened or frightened, dart burrow beneath rock or other structure. chinese zebra goby (ptereleotris zebra) example of fish family; ptereleotris zebra can reach maximum length of 12 cm , found in , around reefs @ depths 2–31 m, predominantly @ 2–4 m. native range of chinese zebra goby in indonesian pacific area, occupying great barrier reef, red sea , marshall islands of micronesia. schooling species stays in groups , many can found in same refuge @ once.


schindleriidae contains 3 species, fewest number of families in suborder. these species collectively referred infant fishes due characteristic neoteny (retention of juvenile traits adulthood). these fish reach sexual maturity @ length of 2 cm, retaining other larval traits including lack of pigmentation, larval kidney, , unossified skeleton.


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