Scandal.2C rustic life and valor George Tucker (politician)

1 scandal, rustic life , valor

1.1 rigged lottery
1.2 rural settings
1.3 self-proclaimed act of chivalry

scandal, rustic life , valor
rigged lottery

tucker s law practice not support expenses essential extravagant social exploits, included gambling @ cards , races, , proceeded waste capital mary tucker s estate. drawn speculative investments , embroiled in financial scandal. in 1803, joined other prominent citizens in organizing lottery raise funds richmond academy. allegedly bought several chances himself and, remaining chances dwindled, resold of them profit; said have positioned himself 1 of 4 or 5 holders sure winner. held winning stub when ticket purportedly found lodged in joint of drawing drum.

tucker asked reimbursement, , after negotiation, paid in part, borrowing remainder members of academy board. acted custodian of other funds, blended them own , spent on overindulgence , land speculation. later required defend himself in these matters before virginia general assembly. though officially cleared of wrongdoing, incidents tarnished reputation , highlighted style of living in richmond. meanwhile, maria gave birth eldest daughter, eleanor rosalie, on may 4, 1804.

rural settings

tucker relocated family in 1806, including newborn daughter maria, carters home in frederick county, virginia, , attempted put financial house in order. business required frequent return richmond, , on 1 occasion arrested there delinquency owed loan company. immediate problem solved intervention of st. george. tucker economized 2 years, living rural life carters , other family , able purchase home near dan river.

in may 1808 family moved woodbridge in pittsylvania county, daughter eliza born in december. maria faced rearing 4 children in more rural, less favorable living conditions. part, tucker disappointed absence of desired social life. while thought neighbors friendly , civil , unpolished , plain . increased effort in law practice, tucker discovered more success , acquired more clients, spread across 4 counties. elected commonwealth s attorney pittsylvania county. maria gave birth daughter lelia in october 1810 , harriett in may 1813.

1811 richmond theater fire – tucker left re-entered save others

self-proclaimed act of chivalry

in 1811, tucker in richmond attend benefit performance, , put life in danger during infamous richmond theatre fire. event, including play entitled father, or family feuds , pantomime afterwards named raymond , agnes, held in december. being christmas time, auditorium packed—with 518 adults , 80 children.

in autobiography tucker relates that, play over... , there appearing delay in bringing on afterpiece... had fortunately quitted [play]house while on fire, tho did not know fact... cry of fire prevented reaching lodgings, , hurried me witness spectacle of human woe have never seen equalled. instrumental in saving several females flames. in process, suffered head injury when struck falling timber, , left permanent scar above eye. tragedy took lives of 72 people, including sitting governor of virginia george william smith. victims included many of upper echelons in richmond society.


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