History Enochian magic

1 history

1.1 origins , manuscript sources

1.1.1 liber logaeth – sixth , sacred book of mysteries
1.1.2 5 books of mystery
1.1.3 other enochian manuscripts

origins , manuscript sources

the enochian system of magic work of 2 men: john dee, edward kelley. researches of samuel liddell macgregor mathers, aleister crowley, dr. thomas rudd, elias ashmole, dr. william wynn westcott , israel regardie made additional contributions.

the raw material enochian magical system dictated through series of angelic communications lasted 1582-1589. dee , kelley claimed received these instructions angels. while kelley conducted psychic operation known scrying, dee kept meticulous written records. kelley looked crystal shewstone , described aloud saw.

this account of angelic communications taken @ face value enochian occultists. however, of them have pointed out remarkable similarities earlier grimoiric texts such heptameron known dee. such magical texts book of soyga (of dee owned copy) , others including magical works of agrippa , reuchlin had influence on dee , kelley. system claims relate secrets contained within apocryphal book of enoch.

liber logaeth – sixth , sacred book of mysteries

the liber logaeth (book of speech of god)(aka book of enoch aka liber mysteriorum, sextus et sanctus -the sixth (and sacred/holy) book of mysteries)(1583); preserved in british museum sloane ms 3189. correct spelling loagaeth has been printed logaeth spelling in common use. written edward kelley, composed of 65 folios containing 101 exceedingly complex magical grids of letters, 96 of 49×49 grids (preceded 1 table composed of 49 rows of text – first row of 49th row of first table, not in ms.), plus 5 grids of 36 x 72 cells. liber logaeth dee , kelley derived 48 calls or keys (see below), , in concealed keys mystical heptarchy, related magical work dee. liber logaeth has never been published in book form available online at: [1]. dee himself left little information on sixth holy book apart saying contained mysterie of our creation, age of many years, , conclusion of world , first page in book signified chaos. note title book of enoch attributed text of liber logaeth not confused aprocryphal biblical book of enoch. (there 3 versions of latter; facsimile reprint of ethiopian version laurence, (1995)) nor should confused crowley s rescension liber chanokh (the book of enoch) although these texts related.

the 5 books of mystery

another manuscript sloan ms. 3188, available in fair copy elias ashmole, ms sloane 3677. available online at: [2]). account of actions or workings undertaken in liber logaeth, titled mysteriorum libri quinque (five books of mystery (or mystical exercises). mysteriorum libri quinque diary 22 december 1581 – 23 may 1583 inclusive: first 5 books of mysteries (and appendix), ending casaubon s true , faithful relation begins. describes furniture of temple; seal of god (sigillum dei); tables of light; great circle , corresponding collected table of 49 angels; mystic heptarchy , tables of creation; angelic alphabet (dee s copies) , beginning of loagaeth (i.e., first few folios of ms. sloane 3189). there 2 transcripts of manuscript available today: joseph peterson , c. l. whitby. versions of first 3 of 5 books of mystical exercises can found online at : [http://john-dee

other enochian manuscripts

yet central manuscript sloane 3191 (available online at: [3] ) comprises: 48 angelic keys; book of earthly science, aid , victory; on mystic heptarchy; , invocations of angels.

two further manuscripts dee , kelley s workings important enochian magic:

1) ms. cotton appendix xlvi part (available online at: [4] diary 28 may 1583 – 15 august 1584 inclusive: sixth (and sacred) parallel book of mysteries (not confused sixth , sacred book of mysteries , part of liber logaeth - see above) , seventh book of mysteries (kraków), beginning true , faithful relation begins. includes arrival of prince adalbert laski, journey kraków , dictation of 48 calls or keys (including descriptions of 91 parts of earth), vision of 4 watchtowers , great table.
2) ms. cotton appendix xlvi part ii (available online at: [5]) diary 15 august 1584 – 23 may 1587 (and 20 march – 7 september 1607) inclusive: book of praha, royal stephanic mysteries, puccian action, book of resurrection, third action of trebon , remaining spirit actions @ mortlake in 1607, ending true , faithful relation ends. (it may seen casaubon s true , faithful relation equivalent ms cotton appendix in toto, i.e. dee , kelley s diaries 28 may 1585-23 sept 1607).

meric casaubon s 1659 edition of part of these diaries (cotton appendix ms. xlvi), entitled true & faithful relation of passed many yeers between dr. john dee , spirits contains notorious transcription errors in cases transmitted through many subsequent republications of dee/kelly material; casaubon s edition intended discredit dee , kelly accusing them of dealing christian devil. expanded facsimile edition of casaubon published magickal childe in 1992

dee , kelley s surviving manuscripts later came possession of elias ashmole, preserved them, , made fair copies of some, along annotations.


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