The Patrimonial Kingdom History of Hungary

the kingdom of hungary in 1090s.

hungary recognized catholic apostolic kingdom under saint stephen i. stephen son of géza , descendant of Árpád.

stephen crowned holy crown of hungary in first day of 1000 ad (jan 1.) in capital city of esztergom. pope sylvester ii conferred on him right have cross carried before him, full administrative authority on bishoprics , churches. 1006, stephen had solidified power eliminating rivals either wanted follow old pagan traditions or wanted alliance eastern christian byzantine empire. initiated sweeping reforms convert hungary western feudal state, complete forced christianization. stephen established network of 10 episcopal , 2 archiepiscopal sees, , ordered buildup of monasteries churches , cathedrals. in earliest times, hungarian language written in runic-like script. country switched latin alphabet under stephen, , latin official language of country between 1000 , 1844. stephen followed frankish administrative model. whole of land divided counties (megyék), each under royal official called ispán (equivalent title count, latin: comes), later főispán (latin: supremus comes). official represented king s authority, administered subjects, , collected taxes formed national revenue. each ispán maintained armed force of freemen @ fortified headquarters ( castrum or vár ).

after death of croatian king zvonimir (and upon request of dowager queen helena of croatia), king ladislaus decided intervene in conflicts emerging among competing factions of croatian noblemen. informed abbot oderizius of monte cassino of conquest of sclavonia in letter of 1091. kingship on of croatia not achieved until reign of successor coloman. coronation of king coloman king of croatia , dalmatia in biograd in 1102, kingdoms of hungary , croatia united under 1 crown. nature of relationship varied through time; croatia retained large degree of internal autonomy overall, while real power rested in hands of local nobility. modern croatian , hungarian historiographies view relations between kingdom of croatia , kingdom of hungary 1102 form of personal union presided on common king.

after great schism between western roman catholic , eastern orthodox christianity formalized in 1054, hungary viewed easternmost bastion of western civilisation, judgment affirmed in fifteenth century pope pius ii, expressed himself holy roman emperor frederick iii in these terms: hungary shield of christianity , protector of western civilization .

the Árpád dynasty produced monarchs throughout 12th , 13th centuries. king béla iii (r. 1172–1192) wealthiest , powerful member of dynasty, annual equivalent of 23,000 kg of pure silver @ disposal. exceeded resources of french king (estimated @ 17,000 kilograms) , double amount available english crown. in 1195, béla expanded hungarian kingdom southward , westward bosnia , dalmatia , extended suzerainty on serbia, process helped break byzantine empire , diminish influence in balkan region.

golden bull of 1222.

the 13th century in hungary distinguished reign of king andrew ii, acceded throne in 1205 , died in 1235. in 1211, granted burzenland (in transylvania) teutonic knights, in 1225 expelled them transylvania, hence teutonic order had transfer baltic sea. andrew set largest royal army in history of crusades (20,000 knights , 12,000 castle-garrisons) when led fifth crusade holy land in 1217. in 1224, issued diploma andreanum, unified , ensured special privileges of transylvanian saxons. considered first autonomy law in world.

the golden bull of 1222 first constitution in continental europe. hungarian equivalent of england s magna carta — every hungarian king thereafter had swear – golden bull had twofold purpose limited royal power. on 1 hand, reaffirmed rights of smaller nobles of old , new classes of royal servants (servientes regis) against both crown , magnates. on other hand, defended rights of whole nation against crown restricting powers of latter in fields , making refusal obey unlawful/unconstitutional commands (the ius resistendi) legal. lesser nobles began present andrew grievances, practice evolved institution of parliament, or diet. hungary became first country in parliament had supremacy on kingship. important legal ideology doctrine of holy crown. important principle of doctrine belief sovereignty belonged noble nation (as represented holy crown). members of holy crown citizens of crown s lands, , no citizen attain absolute power on others. nation share political power ruler.


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