Bibliography Clive Cussler

1 bibliography

1.1 dirk pitt adventures
1.2 numa files
1.3 oregon files
1.4 isaac bell adventures
1.5 fargo adventures
1.6 non-fiction
1.7 children s books

dirk pitt adventures

1) although published in 1983, pacific vortex! written , takes place before mediterranean caper.

2) published mayday!

3) novels featuring dirk pitt, , children, dirk pitt jr. , summer pitt.

4) novels co-authored clive cussler s son, dirk.

the numa files

this series of books focuses on kurt austin, team leader of numa s special assignments division , adventures. characters pitt novels appear such sandecker, rudi gunn, hiram yaeger , st. julien perlmutter. pitt makes brief appearances in books serpent, white death, polar shift, devil s gate, storm, 0 hour, , ghost ship , mentioned in lost city.

the oregon files

the oregon files features ship named oregon cussler introduced in dirk pitt adventure flood tide (1997). while appearing decrepit freighter, s high-tech advanced ship used unnamed , mysterious corporation under leadership of juan cabrillo. ship run business, crew being shareholders, taking jobs cia , other agencies stop crime , terrorism. crew adept @ disguises, combat, computer hacking, , more, aid missions. kurt austin, joe zavala, , dirk pitt make cameo appearances in fourth volume, skeleton coast (cabrillo speaks pitt on telephone; , austin , zavala appear @ end).

isaac bell adventures

these books set in u.s. in part of 20th century. center around isaac bell, brilliant investigator van dorn detective agency, appears modeled after real-life pinkerton agency. pitt, bell has affinity automobiles , crack shot. first book reveals bell survives 1950 wife , grown children. though setting century ago, books still qualify techno-thrillers, since feature advanced technology of time such private express trains, telegraphs, telephones, dreadnought battleships , airplanes.

fargo adventures

the series focuses on sam , remi fargo, couple professional treasure hunters.


children s books

(*) indicates books co-authored paul kemprecos.

(†) indicates books co-authored graham brown.

(‡) indicates books co-authored craig dirgo.

(§) indicates books co-authored jack du brul.

(‖) indicates books co-authored justin scott.

(^) indicates books co-authored grant blackwood.

(⚡) indicates books co-authored thomas perry.

(×) indicates books co-authored russell blake.

(≠) indicates books co-authored boyd morrison.

(**) indicates books co-authored robin burcell.


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