Criticisms of deferred annuities Annuity (American)

some annuities not have deferred surrender charges , not pay financial professional commission, although financial professional may charge fee or advice. these contracts called no-load variable annuity products , available fee-based financial planner or directly no-load mutual fund company. of course various charges still imposed on these contracts, less sold commissioned brokers. important potential purchasers of annuities, mutual funds, tax-exempt municipal bonds, commodities futures, interest rate swaps, in short, financial instrument understand fees on product , fees financial planner may charge.

variable annuities controversial because many believe fees (i.e., fees above , beyond charged similar retail mutual funds offer no principal protection or guarantees of kind) may reduce rate of return compared investor make investing directly in similar investments outside of variable annuity. big selling point variable annuities guarantees many have, such guarantee customer not lose or principal. critics these guarantees not necessary because on long term market has been positive, while others uncertainty of financial markets many investors not invest without guarantees. past returns no guarantee of future performance, of course, , different investors have different risk tolerances, different investment horizons, different family situations, , on. sale of security product should involve careful analysis of suitability of product given individual.


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