Ehalt Street Greensburg Downtown Historic District (Greensburg, Pennsylvania)

train station (1911)

greensburg train station (101 ehalt street, @ corner of harrison avenue) designed architect william cookman pennsylvania railroad in style has been described jacobean revival. pennsylvania railroad initiated service greensburg in 1852, , temporary structure served station few years. in 1860, one-story red brick station constructed, , passengers walked across tracks board westbound trains. in 1900s railroad expanded 2 tracks 4 tracks, , tracks elevated create more level right-of-way locomotives. these changes necessitated new station, current structure. when opened in 1911, 4 active tracks passed station, , there 2 passenger platforms, 1 platform serving 2 eastbound tracks , 1 platform serving 2 westbound tracks. station on level below tracks, passengers walk though pedestrian tunnel , stairs 1 of 2 platforms. currently, there 2 tracks passing through station, each served separate platform. amtrak provides regular passenger train service. old waiting room has been renovated use restaurant, , old baggage facility rented offices.

^ westmoreland county genealogy project (information jacob ehalt on webpage discusses son, charles f. ehalt)
^ westmoreland cultural trust, greensburg train station, archived copy . archived original on 2006-04-30. retrieved 2006-10-26. 
^ library of congress, built in america database,
^ greensburg train station new restaurant . tribune-review (greensburg, pennsylvania). trib total media inc. 2010-04-02. retrieved 2010-04-11. 


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