Religion.2C mythology and folklore Goat

an ancient greek oenochoe depicting wild goats

archaeologists excavating ancient city of ebla in syria discovered, among others, tomb of king or great noble included throne decorated bronze goat heads. led tomb becoming known tomb of lord of goats .

according norse mythology, god of thunder, thor, has chariot pulled goats tanngrisnir , tanngnjóstr. @ night when sets camp, thor eats meat of goats, takes care bones remain whole. wraps remains up, , in morning, goats come life pull chariot. when farmer s son invited share meal breaks 1 of goats leg bones suck marrow, animal s leg remains broken in morning, , boy forced serve thor servant compensate damage.

possibly related, yule goat 1 of oldest scandinavian , northern european yule , christmas symbols , traditions. yule goat denoted goat slaughtered around yule, may indicate goat figure made out of straw. used custom of going door-to-door singing carols , getting food , drinks in return, fruit, cakes , sweets. going yule goat similar british custom wassailing, both heathen roots. gävle goat giant version of yule goat, erected every year in swedish city of gävle.

the greek god pan said have upper body of man , horns , lower body of goat. pan lustful god, of myths involving him had him chasing nymphs. credited creating pan flute.

the goat 1 of twelve-year cycle of animals appear in chinese zodiac related chinese calendar. each animal associated personality traits; born in year of goat predicted shy, introverted, creative, , perfectionist.

amalthée et la chèvre de jupiter (amalthea , jupiter s goat); commissioned queen of france in 1787 royal dairy @ rambouillet

several mythological hybrid creatures believed consist of parts of goat, including chimera. capricorn sign in western zodiac depicted goat fish s tail. fauns , satyrs mythological creatures part goat , part human. mineral bromine named greek word brόmos , means stench of he-goats .

goats mentioned many times in bible. goat considered clean animal jewish dietary laws , slaughtered honored guest. acceptable kinds of sacrifices. goat-hair curtains used in tent contained tabernacle (exodus 25:4). horns can used instead of sheep s horn make shofar. on yom kippur, festival of day of atonement, 2 goats chosen , lots drawn them. 1 sacrificed , other allowed escape wilderness, symbolically carrying sins of community. comes word scapegoat . leader or king compared male goat leading flock. in new testament, jesus told parable of sheep , goats (gospel of matthew 25).

popular christian folk tradition in europe associated satan imagery of goats. common superstition in middle ages goats whispered lewd sentences in ears of saints. origin of belief behavior of buck in rut, epitome of lust. common medieval depiction of devil of goat-like face horns , small beard (a goatee). black mass, mythological satanic mass , said involve black goat, form in satan supposedly manifested himself worship.

the goat has had lingering connection satanism , pagan religions, modern times. inverted pentagram, symbol used in satanism, said shaped goat s head. baphomet of mendes refers satanic goat-like figure 19th-century occultism.

the common russian surname kozlov (russian: Козло́в), means goat . goatee refers style of facial hair incorporating hair on man’s chin, named because of similarity goat s facial feature.


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