Scripture Jewish principles of faith

the hebrew bible or tanakh jewish scriptural canon , central source of jewish law. word acronym formed initial hebrew letters of 3 traditional subdivisions of tanakh: torah ( teaching , known 5 books of moses or pentateuch), nevi im ( prophets ) , ketuvim ( writings ). tanakh contains 24 books in all; authoritative version masoretic text. traditionally, text of tanakh said have been finalized @ council of jamnia in 70 ce, although uncertain. in judaism, term torah refers not 5 books of moses, of jewish scriptures (the whole of tanakh), , ethical , moral instructions of rabbis (the oral torah).

in addition tanakh, there 2 further textual traditions in judaism: mishnah (tractates expounding on jewish law) , talmud (commentary of misneh , torah). these both codifications , redactions of jewish oral traditions , major works in rabbinic judaism.

the talmud consists of babylonian talmud (produced in babylon around 600 ce) , jerusalem talmud (produced in land of israel circa 400 ce). babylonian talmud more extensive of 2 , considered more important. talmud re-presentation of torah through sustained analysis , argument unfolding dialogue , contention between rabbinic sages. talmud consists of mishnah (a legal code) , gemara (aramaic learning ), analysis , commentary code. rabbi adin steinsaltz writes if bible cornerstone of judaism, talmud central pillar ... no other work has had comparable influence on theory , practice of jewish life, shaping influence on theory , practice of jewish life , states:

the talmud repository of thousands of years of jewish wisdom, , oral law, ancient , significant written law (the torah) finds expression therein. conglomerate of law, legend, , philosophy, blend of unique logic , shrewd pragmatism, of history , science, anecdotes , humor... although main objective interpret , comment on book of law, is, simultaneously, work of art goes beyond legislation , practical application. , although talmud is, day, primary source of jewish law, cannot cited authority purposes of ruling...

though based on principles of tradition , transmission of authority generation generation, unparalleled in eagerness question , reexamine convention , accepted views , root out underlying causes. talmudic method of discussion , demonstration tries approximate mathematical precision, without having recourse mathematical or logical symbols.

...the talmud embodiment of great concept of mitzvat talmud torah - positive religious duty of studying torah, of acquiring learning , wisdom, study own end , reward.


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