Rinzai Dharma transmission

1 rinzai

1.1 insight , succession
1.2 further practice
1.3 inka shōmei


all rinzai lineages pass through hakuin ekaku, 18th century revivalist, considered himself heir of shoju rojin (shoju ronin, dokyu etan, 1642–1721), though hakuin never received formal dharma transmission shoju rojin, nor other teacher. when installed head priest of shōin-ji in 1718, had title of dai-ichiza, first monk :

it minimum rank required government regulation installed temple priests , seems have been little more matter of paying fee , registering hakuin incumbent of shōin-ji.

all contemporary rinzai-lineages stem inzan ien (1751–1814) , takuju kosen (1760–1833), both students of gasan jito (1727–1797). gasan considered dharma heir of hakuin, though did not belong close circle of disciples , not 1 of hakuin s dharma heirs .

through hakuin, contemporary japanese rinzai-lineages part of Ōtōkan lineage, brought japan in 1267 nanpo jomyo, received dharma transmission in china in 1265.

insight , succession

in rinzai school, difference made between acknowledgement of insight , succession in organisation:

from rinzai perspective, true realization (jisshō) , succession master (shijō) 2 different stages in course of practice, latter implying comprehensive integration of awakening in activities of everyday life.

according mohr,

in rinzai school issue of dharma transmission subjective, is, left discretion of master, , ambiguity of terms such successor in dharma (hassu 法嗣) has persisted down present. according context or circumstances, can signify either spiritual recognition or inheritance of temple lineage.

the common form of transmission in rinzai zen acknowledgement 1 has stayed in monastery amount of time, , may later become temple priest.

further practice

after finishing koan-study, further practice necessary:

[i]t take 10 years solve kôans [...] in sôdô. after student has solved koans, can leave sôdô , live on own, still not considered roshi. has complete ten years of training, called go-go-no-shugyô in japanese. literally, means practice after satori/enlightenment , fukushima preferred translation special practice . fukushima explain student builds religious personality during decade. kind of period functions test if student able live in regular society , apply koan understanding daily life, after has lived in environment can quite surreal , detached lives of rest of humanity. usually, student lives in small parish temple during decade, not in formal training monastery.

inka shōmei

the common transmission not include inka shōmei. ideally inka shōmei formal recognition of zen s deepest realisation , practically being used transmission of true lineage of masters (shike) of training halls. training halls temples authorised further training after being qualified temple priest.

there fifty eighty of such inka shōmei-bearers in japan:

in rinzai zen, relatively easy roshi , not. authorized roshi (i.e. teacher) roshi. authorization (officially inka-shômei document) documented on piece of paper, why called colloquially ichi-mai , 1 sheet (of paper) . transmission totally vertical teacher student, no peer control involved. means rinzai sect has no means control made roshi , not. in spite of that, number of rinzai roshis relatively low, maybe around 50 or so.

according roshi sokun tsushimoto, title of roshi equivalent zen master , shike:

roshi title compatible formal title ‘shike’ got officially authorized dharma successor authentic master.

a qualified zen master bestows inka upon select few have completed entire rinzai koan curriculum, , eligible serve sōdō roshi, is, master of training hall, in distinction common temple:

[d]isciples today expected spend dozen or more years master complete full course of training in koan commentary. when master satisfied disciple can comment appropriately on wide range of old cases recognize latter dharma heir , give him formal proof of transmission (j. inka shomei). thus, in reality, lot more satori required 1 recognized master (j. shike, roshi) in rinzai school of zen @ present. accepted proof of satori set of literary , rhetorical skills takes many years acquire.

according roshi sokun tsushimoto,

authorization roshi should done in formal , explicit way. in rinzai tradition master gives calligraphy of inka-certificate disciple proof of authorization. needless authorization must backed fact disciple spent many years in zen training under master earnestly , continuously.

inka shōmei (印可証明) (korean: inga) literally means legitimate seal of furnished proof :

the ideogram inka has 2 parts: in on 1 side, ka on other. root meaning resides in character in (yin in chinese). right half of in consists of ancient character shaped our modern p. in ancient times character represented actual object. stood image of right half (p) of emperor s official seal (ip), after emperor had broken in half whole seal.

the right-hand portion of seal given individual work authority of emperor, while emperor himself retain left-hand portion. in ancient times inka came in form of actual document, practice no longer commonplace.

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