Construction of the interior George Washington Masonic National Memorial

1 construction of interior

1.1 1930s
1.2 1940s
1.3 1950s
1.4 1960s , 1970s

construction of interior

a portion of grotto room on third floor of memorial, first room finished in tower.


construction on of exterior , of interior of memorial continued after may 1932 dedication. sheet metal interior window sashes, doorjambs, , other moldings, fixtures, , fittings provided g.o. robertson of delaware; ernest gichner of washington, d.c.; , e. van norden co. of new york. hires-turner glass co. of rosslyn, virginia, provided windows , stained glass. lighting fixtures supplied sterling bronze works, while electrical supplies furnished national electrical supply co. of washington , a.l. ladd of alexandria. 4 firms oversaw plumbing , sewage work: earl riley, d.c. engineering co., potomac clay works, , thos. somerville co. interior heavy hardware heavy internal equipment supplied henry h. meyer & co. of washington, d.c., while lighter hardware , fixtures supplied worth hulfish & sons of alexandria; baldwin-stuart co. of hartford, connecticut; , sargent & co. of new york. many of non-marble floors covered in cork (provided , installed david e. kennedy co.), , carpeting provided woodward & lothrop (the department store chain). acoustic tile used in many rooms dampen echoes produced granite walls. tile provided george p. little co. terrazzo (faux marble flooring) work done v. foscato co. of new york. of interior woodwork supplied w.a. smoot & co. of alexandria. interior painting done w.w. maccallum co. of alexandria, while terracotta (unglazed baked ceramic) decorations provided ernest simpson of alexandria. aluminum interior work supplied aerocrete corporation, , worked , molded forms aluminum company of america. gold vein , tennessee pink marble used line walls of first floor atrium , second floor memorial hall, , ceilings on both floors plastered. end of 1933, no heating had been installed in second floor hall.

despite immediate flurry of work on memorial after dedication, construction , decoration of interior slowed on next 2 decades. great depression , world war ii left both funds , building materials in short supply.

the association wished complete memorial hall, north lodge room, , alexandria-washington replica lodge room on second floor of memorial. complete rooms , hallways leading them cost $193,000. although fund-raising effort began, in 1936 organization learned had complete library , elevators in tower first. in february 1931, florence m. lemert, widow of rae john lemert, grand historian of grand lodge of montana, donated more 6,000 books , manuscripts masonic history , masonry memorial means of founding national masonic library. these books in danger of deterioration, library had constructed , @ least 1 elevator installed in order reach library room in tower. additional landscaping had done in order reduce fire danger in area, walls had erected around land prevent public cutting across property, , roads had regraveled , maintained.

in 1935, gwmnma set aside fourth floor states memorial hall (where each state s grand lodge recognize famous masons), sixth floor masonic library, , eighth floor museum. third, fifth, , seventh floors had not yet been assigned function. these plans not carried out. after death of louis watres in june 1937, dr. elmer r. arn, past grand master of ohio, elected president of association successor. 4 large lighting sconces added second floor memorial hall in 1938, $4,000 cost of installation paid general grand chapter of order of eastern star. in 1939, granite steps leading portico, walls containing patio surrounds memorial, , stone balustrade granite steps installed. several hundred plants added landscaping.


the u.s. dept. of commerce donated equipment in 1942 have exterior of building , keystone light atop lit.

in february 1941, association reported first big fundraising season since memorial s dedication, receiving $100,000 in cash donations. in 1941, association raised additional $70,000, leaving total funds on hand of $225,000. now, total cost of completing structure had risen $6 million. gwmnma agreed spend $60,000 in 1942 in order finish south lodge room on second floor , dedicate blue lodge. sum cover cost of finishing room in southwest corner of second floor house alexandria-washington lodge s washingtoniana. 5 empty lots on shooter s hill purchased in 1942, large building not built next memorial. additionally, united states department of commerce provided, free of charge, equipment lighting building , tower aid aviation. association paid have equipment installed. in february 1942, representative sol bloom donated oil painting of washington in full masonic regalia memorial year well. bloom member of pacific lodge no. 233 in state of new york, , had served director of washington bicentennial commission. artist hattie elizabeth burdette painted picture in 1932. actor tefft johnson modeled portrait, posing in masonic apron , wearing same jewel washington himself had worn. chair in painting belonged washington, , pedestal , background cloth belonged alexandria-washington lodge. painting had been used advertise washington bicentennial, , bloom donated memorial in memory of wife (who had died in 1941).

the blue lodge room , alexandria-washington lodge replica room finished in late 1942. during following year, 1 of granite columns in memorial cracked , repaired.

work on interior did not begin in earnest until after war. not until may 1945 room dedicated ancient arabic order of nobles of mystic shrine (the shriners) on north side of first floor begun. placed in finished room original oil painting of shrine co-founder william j. florence (valued @ $5,000), copy of shrine s ritual in handwriting of co-founder walter m. fleming, collection of jewels, , other items. in time, shriners furnish 2 more rooms on ground floor @ total cost of $168,000. in 1946, association received major donation of $154,700 went maintenance fund (which had @ least $3 million generate enough funds keep structure maintained).

at gwmnma s annual meeting in february 1947, alexandria-washington lodge replica room dedicated. association voted allot 1 of rooms in unfinished tower mystic order of veiled prophets of enchanted realm (also known grotto ), had raised $25,000 finish room. supreme council, scottish rite (southern jurisdiction, usa) donated $100,000 finish north lodge room on second floor , dedicate cryptic masonry. prior donation, association unsure whether appendant bodies of freemasonry should allowed occupy rooms in memorial. southern jurisdiction s donation ended debate. encouraged many grand lodges (state organizations) of masonry make large donations memorial, bringing new life memorial s fund-raising efforts. association agreed expend funds build kitchen , dining room, hang bronze doors on first floor, , install bronze grillwork heating , ventilation system on first floor. 2 other major decisions made in 1947 well. long-time memorial architect harvey w. corbett presented plans completing memorial s interior, , sculptor bryant baker discussed plans life-size statue of george washington adorn memorial hall. order of demolay, young men s affiliate of freemasonry, had won association s approval campaign raise money bronze statue of george washington in 1934. baker proposed marble statue cost $50,000 $60,000 , stand on pedestal worth $7,000 $10,000. association began work on first elevator. otis elevator company awarded contract on october 23, 1947. designed fit southeast stairwell, company overcame 7.5 degree incline of stairwell putting wheels on 1 side of elevator car keep vertical. memorial s dining room completed @ end of 1947, , first use meeting of gwmnma in february 1948.

the grotto dedicated finished room (designed house archives) on third floor of building in february 1948. association, meanwhile, outfitted first floor auditorium handrails , bronze windowsills , hvac ventiliation grills. association made decision begin fund-raising number of other projects @ memorial. these included designing, manufacturing, , installing stained glass windows in second floor memorial hall; designing , painting murals on walls of memorial hall; finishing roof on auditorium , portico; installing marble on rough cement in interior stairwells; , replacing large wooden doors @ memorial s entrance bronze doors. same year, president harry s. truman presented memorial replica of great seal of united states 7 feet (2.1 m) in diameter , lit within. sign had topped of united states government printing office headquarters, had been damaged lightning. removed , listed scrap, freemason noticed sign in government warehouse , asked donated memorial. presentation ceremony set june 24, 1948. truman s arrival @ presentation delayed, had spent morning giving military orders begin berlin airlift.

by september 1949, memorial still near finished. none of tower rooms in floors 3 through 9 finished, although observation deck under construction. scottish rite agreed fund observation deck. observation deck accessible circular stairway. in late 1949, cryptic lodge room (also known north room ) finished , 2 elevators installed on north , south side of building. room contained seating 450 , organ (which used first time during room s dedication ceremony). avoid piercing second floor s memorial hall, elevators slanted inward @ 7.5 degrees. 61 feet (19 m) apart on first floor, 4.5 feet (1.4 m) apart @ observation deck. slanting elevators in world when installed, , motors them had passed through shafts in order them roof. other decorative changes made late 1949 well. woven persian carpet, largest in world , worth $1 million, donated memorial sarkis nahigian (a masonic member chicago). (it installed in alexandria-washington replica lodge room. had folded in order fit in room, caused wear on rug. rug removed after several years , reinstalled in memorial hall on second floor.) in memorial hall, 2 stained glass windows designed , manufactured robert m. metcalf being installed. bronze doors, grillwork, , window sashes had been installed throughout first floor, first floor assembly hall completed, kitchen , dining room finished, north , south corridors on first floor completed, , addition heating plant installed. hall of presidents finished. walkway on upper level of auditorium contained plaques depicting presidents of united states masons. shriners, too, completed rooms on first floor.

at point during 1949, bryan baker s sculpture of george washington changed marble bronze. statue , based both paid year.


one of murals in memorial hall, painted allyn cox in 1950s.

baker s 17-foot high (5.2 m) bronze statue of washington unveiled on february 22, 1950. president truman, past grand master of grand lodge of missouri, dedicated statue , delivered major foreign policy address @ unveiling. same year, muralist painter allyn cox hired paint murals throughout memorial depicting allegorical masonic events history scenes life of george washington. grand lodge of california donated funds these murals. cox designed 6 stained glass windows installation above murals, each depicting famous masonic patriot (such benjamin franklin , gilbert du motier, marquis de lafayette). windows executed , installed stained glass artist robert metcalf.

in 1951, general grand chapter of royal arch masons agreed fund completion of room on fifth floor , dedicate holy royal arch masonry. same year, 2 more metcalf windows installed in memorial hall, chimes installed on 10th floor, , ladder (acting staircase) placed provide access 10th floor ninth floor. water tank installed on fifth floor (to ensure high pressure) , plumbing extended eighth floor, , air conditioning placed in second floor south lodge room. spiral staircase added between third , ninth floors provide emergency exit. in 1951 grand lodge of pennsylvania sponsored completion of memorial s sixth-floor main library. outside memorial, northwest parking lot paved , 2 flagpoles placed outside main entrance.

work on memorial continued in 1952, although of work not finished until year later. ninth floor observation deck remained unfinished (although money had been donated enclose in suicide-proof iron cage), , 2 floors open public. sixth floor library dedicated on february 22, , later year allyn cox s sketches memorial hall murals approved. finally, second-floor auditorium nearing completion, memorial association authorized expenditure of funds moller organ co. begin design , construction of pipe organ space. 1953, however, observation deck finished , opened use, , second inclined elevator began installed. problems shaft, however, delayed completion. additional internal construction completed @ time. building plans had called 2 sets of stairs descend second floor s memorial hall first floor s assembly hall. these stairs had never been completed, however, , space had been used storage years. funds available build staircases. in order so, unfinished space beneath main portico turned storage room, , stairs installed. contractors resealed exterior of tower , second floor roof parapet prevent water leaking memorial. end of 1953, remaining stained glass windows in memorial hall installed.

in 1954, 42-rank moller organ installed in main auditorium. $50,000 organ had been donated grand lodge of new jersey in 1930. marble staircases between first , second floors completed, , fifth floor royal arch masonry room finished well. memorial association began reconsidering of plans. clear there no need states remembrance room on fourth floor, , eighth floor did not have enough space hold washingtoniana in possession of alexandria-washington lodge. association resolved make fourth floor washington museum, while leaving eighth floor open.

allyn cox s mural on south wall of memorial hall completed in 1955. although mural on ceiling of memorial hall had long been planned, association decided forgo this. in february 1955, theodor vogel, grand master of united grand lodges of germany, presented memorial association intricate wood carvings depicting 4 crowned martyrs (in case, claudius, castorius, nicostratus, , symphorian). carvings hung in memorial library. same year, knights templar asked assigned room moved seventh eighth floor. request granted, although left seventh floor unoccupied. throughout year, allyn cox continued work on murals in royal arch masonry room , on mural on north wall of memorial hall. @ end of year, north , south steps parking lots first floor completed. william , annetta childs of oklahoma donated electronic, automated carillon memorial, installed in tenth floor.

the following year, north side elevator completed. elevators freed need carry construction materials , workmen, tower opened public. number of exterior projects remained, however: granite facing upper terrace walls, bronze trim main doors, bronze lighting standards portico, granite facing lower terrace walls, , granite facing of auditorium. interior work needed. example, holes had been drilled in marble floor of memorial hall electric plugs installed lighting fixtures. unassigned seventh floor found sponsor well. year, grand central council of cryptic masonry agreed sponsor floor, , year s end had raised half funds necessary complete , furnish floor.

the royal arch room dedicated on april 20, 1957, vice president of united states richard nixon. 4 bays in room remained unfinished many years, however, , curtained off. same year, southern , northern jurisdictions of scottish rite dedicated george washington museum on memorial s fourth floor (although there no display cases or other furnishings permit washington museum open). day before easter (april 20), knights templar dedicated eighth floor chapel. @ year s end, second of allyn cox s murals memorial hall completed.

work on seventh-floor cryptic masonry room under way late 1957 , room dedicated on february 12, 1958. change made portico year. portico had been designed large bronze plaques installed on either side of main doors. fundraising these plaques had not gone well, leaving 2 gaping holes in marble walls. memorial association decided marble, rather bronze, plaques installed in these spaces. quotations george washington s masonic correspondence selected , inscribed on these marble plaques. additionally, bronze doors both sets of elevators installed (at cost of $18,000). @ end of year, memorial association spent more $108,000 finish granite facing of auditorium.

in 1959, large bronze bust of washington sculptor donald de lue (commissioned grand lodge of louisiana, , destined headquarters) donated museum. scottish rite offered finance completion of fourth floor s museum.

1960s , 1970s

in 1962, artists dwight franklin , robert n.s. whitelaw completed 12 dioramas (worth $75,000) placed in assembly hall , depicted key incidents in washington s life. these dioramas had been part of original decorative scheme memorial, 8 dioramas (two each corner) placed in assembly hall. due dispute on subject matter, 12 rather 8 dioramas ordered. air conditioning added north lodge (form cryptic lodge) room in 1963.

but despite these achievements, 1964 memorial still wasn t finished. more 150,000 people year visiting memorial, washington museum still unfinished. major push finish museum came after 1966, when washington s descendants—anne madison , patty willis washington—donated washington family s collection of papers , memorabilia museum. donation included large portrait of george washington , family, washington family bible. after donation made funds museum s completion raised.

the late 1960s saw completion of memorial. in february 1966, senator everett dirksen (a mason) dedicated george washington museum on memorial s fourth floor. dedication meant final room in tower complete , open public. in 1967, city of alexandria changed street layout around memorial. part of alteration, memorial granted city 12-foot (3.7 m) wide access path (or alley ) between memorial s access road , park road. since wall of auditorium had never been faced granite, protruding steel reinforcing bars had rusted. these removed in 1968, no longer fit use. finally, in 1970, 40-year-old oil-burning heating plant replaced new natural gas-burning boilers, city of alexandria donated back-up electrical generator keep tower lit in case of blackouts, additional lighting tower installed, , additional landscaping work completed.

the memorial considered complete in 1970. however, granite facing still remained incomplete. memorial association raised funds finish facing in july 1972, , facing finished in march 1973. tower, too, remained partially lit. grand lodge of new york provided funds finish lighting, , final tower exterior illumination completed in summer of 1973.


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