The challenge of materialism Le pèlerinage de Lourdes

1 challenge of materialism

1.1 definition
1.2 school of mary
1.3 poor , suffering

the challenge of materialism

the second part of encyclical deals conversion, marian conversion of heart , society. virgin invites conversion of hearts , hope of forgiveness. individual conversion not enough. pope appeals christian renewal of society in answer mary s appeal.


the root of evil according pius xii, terrible temptation materialism. not confined materialistic (marxist) philosophy. exists love of money creates ever greater havoc, modern enterprises expand, which, unfortunately, determines many of decisions weigh heavy on life of people. finds expression in cult of body, in excessive desire comforts, flight austerities of life, unrestrained search pleasure, concept of life regulates exclusively in terms of material prosperity , earthly satisfactions . encyclical teaches school of mary provides many practical answers.

school of mary

in school of mary 1 can learn live, not give christ world, await faith hour of jesus, , remain mary @ foot of cross. wherever providence has placed person, there more done god s cause.

the encyclical states priests should supernatural confidence, show narrow road leads life. consecrated , religious fight under mary s banner against inordinate lust freedom, riches, , pleasures. in response immaculate, fight weapons of prayer , penance , gain triumphs of charity. christian families must remain faithful vital mission in society, and, consecrate in current jubilee year immaculate heart of mary. married couples consecration valuable aid in conjugal duties of chastity , faithfulness , keep pure atmosphere in children grow up. families inspired devotion mary, living centers of social rebirth , apostolic influence.

professional , civic affairs offer vast field of marian action. gathered @ virgin s feet, , open teachings, self-examination uproot false judgments , selfish impulses. christians of every class , every nation try of 1 mind in truth , charity, , banish misunderstanding , suspicion. quest social , political peace among men is, above all, moral problem, because no reform can bear fruit, no agreement lasting without conversion , cleansing of heart. in jubilee year virgin of lourdes reminds men of truth.

the poor , suffering

pius xii teaches mary looks upon of children special affection, lowly, poor, , afflicted whom jesus loved much.

go her, crushed material misery, defenseless against hardships of life , indifference of men. go her, assailed sorrows , moral trials. go her, beloved invalids , infirm, sincerely welcomed , honored @ lourdes suffering members of our lord. go , receive peace of heart, strength daily duties, joy sacrifice offer.

the pontiff states immaculate virgin knows secret ways grace operates in souls. knows great price god attaches sufferings, united of savior. these sufferings can contribute. encyclical closes quote of saint bernard of clairvaux:

amid dangers, difficulties, , doubts, think of mary, invoke mary s aid.... if follow her, not stray; if entreat her, not lose hope; if reflect upon her, not err; if supports you, not fall; if protects you, not fear; if leads you, not grow weary; if propitious, reach goal.

pope pius xii declares himself convinced mary hear prayers. in last marian encyclical, imparts faithful, shrine of lourdes , pilgrims, bounteous outpouring of grace our heart, , our constant , paternal best wishes, apostolic benediction.


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