Equipment Underwater hockey

1 equipment

1.1 swimwear
1.2 mask
1.3 snorkel
1.4 fins
1.5 stick
1.6 puck
1.7 caps
1.8 glove
1.9 goal


annotated player

1. snorkel , mouthguard 2. hat earguards 3. mask 4. fins 5. stick 6. puck 7. glove

players wear diving mask, snorkel , fins, , carry in 1 (either) hand short stick playing puck. full list of equipment given below:


there no restrictions on swimwear, baggy style trunks or shorts not recommended reduce speed , increase drag in water. typical swimwear swim briefs male players , one-piece swimsuits female players.


a diving mask used several reasons:

players can equalise ears (using valsalva manoeuvre) nose covered
unlike swim goggles mask sits outside eye s orbit, reducing effects of impact on mask
improved underwater visibility

worlds competition grade equipment

a low-volume mask minimal protrusion face reduces likelihood of mask being knocked, causing leak or flood , temporarily blind player. rules require masks have 2 lenses reduce risk , extent of possible injury due puck impact lens. variety of webbing strap designs available replace original head strap non-elastic strap reduces chances of player being unmasked.


a snorkel enables players watch progress of game without having lift head water breathe. allows them keep position on surface, ready resume play once have recovered. in order maximise efficiency of breathing , reduce drag underwater snorkels short wide bore, , may include drain valve. must not rigid or have unnecessarily acute edges or points.

the snorkel may accommodate external mouthguard may worn in conjunction with, or instead of, internal mouthguard.


fins allow player swim faster through water. wide range of fins used in sport large plastic/rubber composite fins or smaller, stiffer fiberglass or carbon fibre fins commonplace @ competitions. fins must have no sharp edges, corners, or buckles.


the stick (also referred bat or pusher ) relatively short (according recent rules, not more 350 mm (14 in) including handle) , coloured white or black indicate player s team. stick may held in 1 hand, determined player s handedness, although players may swap hands during play. shape of stick may affect playing style , personal choice. wide variety of stick designs allowed within constraints of rules of game, principal rules being stick must fit box of 100 mm × 50 mm × 350 mm (3.9 in × 2.0 in × 13.8 in) , stick must not capable of surrounding puck or part of hand. rule concerning minimum radius of edges tries address risk of injury. construction materials may of wood or plastics , current rules supersede required sticks homogeneous, although anyway. many players of uwh manufacture own sticks preferred shape , style, although there increasingly more mass-produced designs suit majority (such bentfish, britbat, canam, dorsal, stingray etc.).


the puck approximately size of ice hockey puck made of lead or similar material (adult size weighs 1.3–1.5 kg (2.9–3.3 lb), junior 800–850 g (1.76–1.87 lb)) , encapsulated or surrounded plastic covering matched pool bottom facilitate grip on stick face while preventing excessive friction on pool bottom. puck s weight brings rest on pool bottom, though can lofted during passes.

stick pushing puck


safety gear includes ear protection, in form of water polo cap , secondary indicator of player s team (coloured black/blue/dark or white/pale appropriate). water referees should wear red hats.


a glove should worn on playing hand protect against pool-bottom abrasion and, in designs, protection against puck impact on knuckles , other vulnerable areas; however, no rigid protection permitted. players may choose wear protective glove on both hands, either additional protection pool bottom or, ambidextrous players, switch stick between hands mid-play. glove used in competition must contrasting colour wearer s stick, not orange reserved referees gloves.


the goals (or gulleys ) 3 metres wide , sited @ opposite ends of playing area on pool bottom. consist of shallow slope leading trough puck may pushed or flicked. goals commonly constructed aluminium, galvanised steel or stainless steel. makes them negatively buoyant , durable in chlorinated water of swimming pools.


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