Types Emergency position-indicating radiobeacon station

1 types

1.1 epirb sub-classification
1.2 elt sub-classification
1.3 plb sub-classification
1.4 obsolete types

1.4.1 obsolete epirbs
1.4.2 obsolete elts
1.4.3 obsolete plbs


the type of beacon determined environment designed used:

epirbs (emergency position indicating radio beacons) signal maritime distress,
elts (emergency locator transmitters) signal aircraft distress
plbs (personal locator beacons) personal use , intended indicate person in distress away normal emergency services; e.g., 9-1-1. used crewsaving applications in shipping , lifeboats @ terrestrial systems. in new south wales, police stations , national parks , wildlife service provide personal locator beacons hikers no charge.

each type sub-classified:

epirb sub-classification

emergency position-indicating radio beacons (epirbs) sub-classified follows:

recognized categories:

category – 406/121.5 mhz. float-free, automatically activated epirb. detectable satellite anywhere in world. recognized gmdss.
category ii – 406/121.5 mhz. similar category i, except manually activated. models water activated.

unrecognized classes:

class – 121.5/243 mhz. float-free, automatically activating. these devices have been phased out u.s. federal communications commission (fcc) , no longer recognized.
class b – 121.5/243 mhz. manually activated version of class a. these devices have been phased out fcc , no longer recognized.
class s – 121.5/243 mhz. similar class b, except floats, or integral part of survival craft (lifeboat). these devices have been phased out fcc , no longer recognized.
class c – marine vhf ch15/16. manually activated, these beacons operate on maritime channels only, , therefore not detectable satellite or normal aircraft. these devices have been phased out fcc , no longer recognized.
inmarsat-e – service ended 1 december 2006; former users have switched category or ii 406 mhz epirbs. these beacons float-free, automatically activated epirbs operated on 1646 mhz. detectable inmarsat geostationary satellites, , recognized gmdss. see inmarsat-e.

elt sub-classification

emergency locator transmitters (elts) aircraft may classed follows:

a elt, automatically ejected
ad elt, automatic deployable
f elt, fixed
af elt, automatic fixed
ap elt, automatic portable
w elt, water activated
s elt, survival

within these classes, elt may either digital 406 mhz beacon, or analog beacon (see above).

plb sub-classification

there 2 kinds of personal locator beacon (plb):

plb gps data (internally or externally provided)
plb no gps data

all plbs transmit in digital mode on 406 mhz. there ais plbs transmit on vhf 70

obsolete types
obsolete epirbs

there several older types of epirb devices no longer recommended use.

class – 121.5 mhz automatic activation unit. due limited signal coverage , possible lengthy delays in signal recognition, u.s. coast guard no longer recommends use of type.
class c – operates on vhf channel 15/16. designed small crafts operating close shore, type recognized in united states. use of these units phased out in 1999.
class s – 121.5 mhz unit similar class b included integral part of lifeboat or survival suit. use no longer recommended u.s. coast guard.
inmarsat e – entered service in 1997. unit automatic activation unit operating on 1646 mhz , detectable inmarsat geostationary satellite system. class of epirb approved global maritime distress , safety system (gmdss), not united states. in september 2004, inmarsat announced terminating inmarsat e epirb service of december 2006 due lack of interest in maritime community.

furthermore, u.s. coast guard recommend no epirb of type manufactured before 1989 used.

obsolete elts

any elt not 406 mhz elt hex code became obsolete february 1, 2009.

obsolete plbs

military forces @ 1 time used 121.5/243.0 mhz beacons such prc-106, had built-in vhf radio. these being replaced modern 406 mhz plbs.

^ milovanovich, c. (7 may 2009). inquest death of david iredale (pdf). lawlink. archived original (pdf) on 22 march 2011. retrieved 20 february 2010. 
^ position indicating radiobeacon (epirb) – uscg navigation center
^ rss-187, emergency position indicating radio beacons, emergency locator transmitters, personal locator beacons, , maritime survivor locator devices
^ inmarsat withdraw epirb service in 2006 , promises new safety service on next generation i-4 satellites . archived original on december 9, 2006. 


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