Description Potamogeton praelongus

long-stalked pondweed potamogeton praelongus growing in deep, clear water in lake in north wales.

hybrids several other species, p. alpinus (p. × griffithii a. benn.), p. crispus (p. × undulatus wolgf.), p. lucens (p. × jutlandicus zalewska-gał.), p. natans (p. × vepsicus a.a. bobrov & chemeris) , p. perfoliatus (p. × cognatus asch. & graebn.) have been described, rare. chromosome counts show that, other broad-leaved pondweeds, p. praelongus tetraploid, 2n=52 chromosomes.

long-stalked pondweed relatively easy identify. confused narrow-leaved forms of potamogeton perfoliatus, persistent stipules, leaves partially clasping stem, larger fruits , (usually) zigzag pattern of stem distinctive. hybrids may more difficult identify show various features of other parent.


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