Fishing Channel catfish
channel catfish caught in stocked lake.
channel catfish omnivores, , can caught using variety of natural , prepared baits, including crickets, nightcrawlers, minnows, shad, freshwater drum, crawfish, frogs, bullheads, sunfish, chicken liver , suckers. catfish have been known take ivory soap bait , raw steak.
juglines, trotlines, limb lines, , bank lines popular methods of fishing channel catfish in addition traditional rod-and-reel fishing. method uses traps, either slat traps — long wooden traps angled entrance — , wire hoop traps. typical bait these traps include rotten cheese , dog food. catches of many 100 fish day common in catfish traps. unusual method practiced in southeastern united states noodling – catching catfish hand.
when removing hook catfish, anglers should mindful of sharp spines on pectoral , dorsal fins.
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