Gameplay Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict

the game s use of third-person perspective when using melee weapon affords player greater control in combat.

unreal championship 2 features 14 different characters unreal universe, plus characters released in bonus pack via xbox live. other additions include new gametypes overdose , nali slaughter, new weapons including melee weapons, , more adrenaline combos in previous games.

unreal championship 2 adds melee combat series allowing characters switch respective weapon, such blade or staff. players can perform special fatality moves mortal kombat, game series midway. players can use melee weapons in third-person mode, can switch between first- , third-person mode on fly while using firearms.

unreal championship 2 uses mechanic deviates standard unreal tournament line of games, wherein each character has designation of light, medium, or heavy, determines health, melee weapon damage, movement speed , agility of characters. light characters have least amount of health , melee weapon damage, faster , more agile other types. medium characters in middle 3 attributes. heavy characters have life , melee weapon damage, slowest , least agile of three.

another addition lock on mechanic, keeps locked on character in front of player. while doesn t center enemy in front of weapon firing reticules, keep character on screen until either player unlocks them, kills or killed them, or locked on character out of line of sight. mechanic helps alleviate imprecision of analog sticks on console, opposed using mouse , keyboard on pc platform, when circle strafing; , make melee attacks easier control.

adrenaline use unique unreal championship 2, compared other unreal tournament games. each character has 6 adrenaline powers @ disposal. characters have access speed, grants increased movement speed short time, , nimble, makes characters float while jumping, , allows additional jumps beyond double jump. each race in game, human, nakhti, necris, skaarj, juggernaut, , mechanical, each have own race specific powers. characters have unique adrenaline powers. adrenaline gained throughout match, gained faster kills , killing spree awards. there adrenaline pickups on maps. each power uses set amount of adrenaline activate, ranging 1 quarter of total adrenaline meter, needing full adrenaline meter use.


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