Immigration to America.2C education and first marriage George Tucker (politician)
saint-mamin engraved portrait of tucker s cousin, st. george tucker, provided pivotal tucker
shortly after mother s death in 1795, tucker sailed philadelphia, intending continue legal education in united states. briefly considered london studies discarded idea, in order optimize chances political advancement . after free-spending time other bermudians in capital city, ran out of funds, , proceeded williamsburg, virginia seek advice , borrow money famous cousin st. george tucker, maneuver repeat. admitted @ college of william & mary, studied law under st. george , graduated after 2 years. tucker pleased find academic work undemanding, , social life entertaining, gained access finer homes through cousin.
tucker traveled new york , philadelphia and, letters of introduction in hand, able further acquaint himself adopted country , meet noted leaders, including george washington , new york governors john jay , george clinton. despite enjoyment of high society, returned williamsburg , there began courtship mary byrd farley, possessed of charm , fortune, , whom proposed. though had preferred delay wedding until had passed bar, gave in heart s desire, borrowed needed funds uncle, , married in october 1797. mary, chronically ill consumption, tucker arranged trip old home in bermuda. stay there provided mary no relief illness , confirmed desire in virginia. returned williamsburg, setting residence, intention read bar exam. except trips north carolina collect rents on wife s property, tucker avoided work, attended horse races in fredericksburg, , frequented fashionable watering places friends , family; made thomas jefferson s acquaintance @ time. mary never recovered infirmities, , died childless in 1799.
mary s death complicated tucker s facile life, considerable estate fraught legal problems. included sugar plantation, thousands of acres of land, , share in dismal swamp company. after prolonged trip sugar plantation in antigua, , on martinique , bermuda, returned williamsburg , determined future in nearby state capital of richmond, virginia practicing attorney. tucker succeeded in salvaging part of late wife s fortune.
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