Prime minister Mostowfi ol-Mamalek
1 prime minister
1.1 first term
1.2 second term
1.3 third term
1.4 fourth term
1.5 fifth term
1.6 sixth term
prime minister
the first term
sometime after return iran, mostowfi became minister of war until bombardment of majlis. following conquest of tehran, first appointed minister of finance in sepahdar azam’s cabinet , became minister of ahmad shah’s court. following resignation of sepadar’s first cabinet, became ahmad shah’s prime minister. mostowfi’s first term prime minister of persia began in july 1910 during 2nd majlis. party, melliyoun democrats, young, educated , had traveled europe. in favour of separation of church , state; taxing landowners , businesses; adopting compulsory national service , borrowing internally instead of internationally. mostowfi’s cabinet, backed democrats, known young peoples’ cabinet .
during first term mostowfi faced issue of security in iran. multiple assassinations of political , religious figures occurred. mostowfi decided stop these assassinations , declared private citizens turn in arms. pro-democrat forces obliged, pro-moderates forces ignored order, including sattar khan. result of pro-moderates forces actions government used newly appointed tehran police chief, yeprem khan exercise order. mostowfi proved able make tough decisions when necessary.
during term in office government received letter british , russian ministers in tehran complaining lack of security on road between bushehr- shiraz- isfahan. british stated irainan government had 3 months rectify problem. if failed bring in 1500 indian soldiers under british command safeguard route. mostowfi’s government responded creating swedish gendarmerie, seeing way keep iran independent of british involvement in internal security.
with death of regent in september 1910 parliament convened elect next regent. candidates mostowfi , mirza abolghasem khan naser ol molk. mostowfi lost election.
the second term
mostowfi’s second appointment prime minister coincided onset of world war i. iran had declared neutrality in war , country further reinforced neutral stance appointing mostowfi, known support neutrality. however, government leaned towards german , turks. important note being pro-german in regard seen political move support third nation may aid in curbing influence of british , russians in iran.
mostowfi approached russian authorities , asked withdraw troops azerbaijan presence gave turks reason invade. russians responded asking guarantees given withdrawal not followed insertion of turks. absence of centralized state in iran can explain why mostowfi’s cabinet, , shah, both impotent on matter.
in second term mostowfi showed taking stance in relation modernization of iran. in program of second cabinet mostowfi proposed abolition of old pensions system, completion of new code, founding of secular law school train personnel ministry of justice, founding of several schools girls , new laws govern telegraphic communications. these proposals rejected majlis in 1914.
mostowfi elected mp tehran, resigned in order become prime minister. manifesto included several concepts third majlis passed including laws such military conscription act, ministry of finance constitution bill , real estate tax law.
mostowfi resigned position after both neutral , withdrawal of russian forces policies failed.
the third term
in august 1915, less 6 months after resigning, mostowfi once again prime minister. time took office, german popularity had increased amongst nationalists.
during third majlis czarist russian army expeditionary force left qazvin tehran.
mostowfi therefore pursued 2 edged policy. began talks british loan , withdrawal of russian forces. entered secret negotiations germans treaty of cooperation. mostowfi suggested germans guarantee iranian independence , territorial integrity. mostowfi attached number of stipulations, including germans giving iran loan , providing officers. if these met, government prepared declare war on allies. stated if stipulations not met have stop german activities in iran.
in show of faith germans secured withdrawal of ottoman forces , offered financially did not agree stipulations. due non-committal answer firm germans, negotiations did not lead policy executed. additionally allies had discovered secret negotiations.
by 7 november 1915, russian troops marching on capital. german envoy had left day before , mostowfi recommend deputies , shah leave , go qom. forty-four deputies, newspaper editors , gendarmerie left qom. known ‘emigration’ hope of forming government free of british , russian influence. shah having agreed, had mind changed russian , british ministers in tehran. change in mindset chance of forming independent government gone. shah in tehran, mostowfi tried persuade deputies return. mostowfi did not succeed in securing return , ended third term.
the fourth term
mostowfi’s fourth term of office prime minister marked severe drought , famine devastated country. accounts 25% of living in north perished. accompanied persian influenza epidemic of 1918 rapid , devastating.
the fifth term
mostowfi’s fifth term began in january 1923. first world war on , russian revolution established. reza khan called sardar sepah had post of minister of war in mostowfi’s cabinet.
one of formidable opponents in politics @ time hassan modarres made numerous efforts pull down mostowfi s cabinet.
mostowfi s cabinet collapsed under pressure political opponents despite full backing of ahmad shah qajar. during run-up elections 5th majlis, modarres , followers in parliament actively campaigning against mostowfi s cabinet. tabled formal question government, customarily followed vote of confidence. ministers answered questions convincingly. mostowfi, not used kind of street politics, said angry , disappointed. delivered famous speech parliament, blaming members of parliament giving , taking ajil (dried nuts), in persian means giving , taking bribes. believed have said, have problems digestive system, , not take or give ajil .
he first prime minister call parliamentarians corrupt instead of cajoling , flattering them. , ministers left parliament, went straight shah , resigned.
hassan modarres went on abolish 1919 accord between iran , great britain.
the sixth term
despite opposition mostowfi, modarres part of party encouraged mostowfi take sixth term prime minister. reza shah had been elected shah , crowned. in order legitimize rule needed prime minister had confidence of politicians , general public, chose mostowfi. modarres believed mostowfi 1 of few people might curb excesses of new shah , generals.
mostowfi’s sixth began in june 1926. during term of office number of important actions taken, important event during period had been abolition of capitulation on 9 may 1927. last major event mostowfi part of , last post. @ end of may 1927, mostowfi resigned office , political life.
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