Revolution Philosophy of Max Stirner

as stirner specifies in footnote (p. 280), here using word insurgent in etymological sense ; thus, rise above religion , government of 1 s own times , take control of 1 s life no consideration of them, not overthrow them. contrasts method of revolutionary brings change of conditions displacing 1 government another:

the revolution aimed @ new arrangements; insurrection leads no longer let ourselves arranged, arrange ourselves, , sets no glittering hopes on institutions . not fight against established [...] working forth of me out of established. [...] now, object not overthrow of established order elevation above it, purpose , deed not political or social (as directed toward myself , ownness alone) egoistic purpose indeed.

stirner writing people liberating own limits , rising above limiting social, political , ideological conditions, , each walk own way. passages quoted above incompatible david leopold s conclusion (in introduction cambridge university press edition) stirner ...saw humankind fretted in dark superstition denied sought enlightenment , welfare (ibidem, p. xxxii). stirner refused describe himself directly liberating others. stated purpose in these quotations seems to achieve enlightenment , welfare of others way of demonstration , insurrection defines it.


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