Investment Areas STIC Investments

1 investment areas

1.1 notable investments

1.1.1 exited
1.1.2 ongoing

investment areas

stic investments engages in growth capital investments, buyouts, , secondary market transactions pertaining mid-cap companies. in 2013, stic investments indicated intention become active in area of mergers , acquisitions of large corporations.

stic investments establishes off-shore structured vehicles targeted @ international investors, , 1 of small number of asia-based firms manage shariah-compliant private equity funds, having targeted group of investors since 2004.

stic investments has invested in on 300 companies date, in technology-enabled manufacturing industries including tmt (technology, media, telecommunications), health care, biotechnology, clean technology, automotive, , shipbuilding / offshore plant industries.

notable investments

stic investments paid 10 billion won (us$8.54 million) 22% stake in jeil hydraulics in late 2009, sold eaton corporation in mid-2012 30.8 billion won (us$29 million), thereby more tripling investment in less 3 years. stake held in stic private equity fund ii.

the firm made initial investment of us$20.3 million in golfzon, maker of golf simulator, in march 2008, , sold stake in 2012 us$72.9 million, earning 3.6x return, or gross irr of 66.1%. stake held in now-liquidated stic private equity fund i.

the firm owned stakes in playspan, sold visa in 2011.


in 2012, firm invested krw162 billion (us$144 million) acquire 8.1% stake in posco energy, , invested us$28.2 million in hyundai oil terminal, subsidiary of hyundai oilbank.


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