Rhodesia Faanya Rose

donald , faanya goldin @ dinner in rhodesia, 1970

the goldins maintained 2 residences: 1 in victoria falls, near casino , seat of local government region, , salisbury (now harare), capital , seat of national government. kept 3,400-hectare (8,400-acre) farm in northwest bordering matetsi river , wankie game reserve (now hwange national park). long aware of challenges african wildlife , wild spaces of continent, goldins adopted aggressive conservation practices quell rampant poaching , over-hunting of game decimating big herds. efforts embraced practices impede soil erosion. in care farm matured boost leopard population in country , of faanya planting acres of bougainvillea retain topsoil.

through 1970s rhodesia became more , more dangerous. in january 1980, faanya rose immigrated england. in april of year when majority rule took effect, , rhodesia became zimbabwe, interests in country forfeit.


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