Seventh Coalition Military mobilisation during the Hundred Days

1 seventh coalition

1.1 overview
1.2 waterloo campaign

1.2.1 wellington s allied army (army of flanders)
1.2.2 prussian army (army of lower rhine)

1.3 minor campaigns

1.3.1 german corps (north german federal army)
1.3.2 russian army (i army)
1.3.3 austro-german army (army of upper rhine)
1.3.4 swiss army
1.3.5 austro-sardinian army (army of upper italy)
1.3.6 austrian army (army of naples)
1.3.7 anglo-sicilian army

1.4 mobilisations

1.4.1 spanish armies
1.4.2 prussian reserve army
1.4.3 royal danish auxiliary corps , hanseatic contingent
1.4.4 portuguese contingent
1.4.5 russian 2nd (reserve) army
1.4.6 russian support wellington

seventh coalition

the seventh coalition armies formed invade france were:


the forces @ disposal of seventh coalition invasion of france amounted better part of million men. according returns laid out in secret sittings @ congress of vienna military resources of european states joined coalition, number of troops field active operations—without unduly diminishing garrison , other services in respective interiors—amounted 986,000 men. size of principal invasion armies (those designated proceed paris) follows:

waterloo campaign

wellington s allied army (army of flanders)

cantoned in southern part of kingdom of netherlands, in belgium, field marshal arthur wellesley, 1st duke of wellington commanded coalition army, made of troops duchies of brunswick, , nassau , kingdoms of hanover, netherlands , united kingdom.

in june 1815 wellington s army of 93,000 headquarters @ brussels cantoned:

i corps (prince of orange), 30,200, headquarters braine-le-comte, disposed in area enghien–genappe–mons.
ii corps (lord hill), 27,300, headquarters ath, distributed in area ath-oudenarde–ghent.
reserve (under wellington himself) 25,500, lay around brussels.
reserve cavalry (lord uxbridge) 9,900, in valley of dendre river, between geraardsbergen , ninove.
dutch light cavalry observed frontier west of leuze , binche

the netherlands corps, commanded prince frederick of netherlands did not take part in actions of waterloo campaign (it posted fall position near braine), did besiege of frontier fortresses in rear of wellington s advancing army.

a danish contingent known royal danish auxiliary corps commanded general prince frederick of hessen-kassel , hanseatic contingent (from free cities of bremen, lübeck , hamburg) later commanded british colonel sir neil campbell, on way join army, both however, joined army in july having missed conflict.

wellington had hoped obtain portuguese contingent of between 12,000 , 14,000 men might boarded on ships , sent army. however, contingent never materialised, portuguese government extremely uncooperative. explained did not have authority send prince regent of portugal s forces war without consent (he still in brazil had been in exile during peninsular war , had yet return portugal). explained though had signed treaty of 15 march without consent. besides this, state of portuguese army in 1815 left desired , shadow of former self of being disbanded.

the tsar of russia offered wellington ii army corps under general wurttemberg, wellington far keen on accepting contingent.

prussian army (army of lower rhine)

this army composed entirely of prussians provinces of kingdom of prussia, old , acquired alike. field marshal gebhard leberecht von blücher commanded army general august neidhardt von gneisenau chief of staff , second in command.

blücher s prussian army of 116,000 men, headquarters @ namur, distributed follows:

i corps (graf von zieten), 30,800, cantoned along sambre, headquarters charleroi, , covering area fontaine-l Évêque–fleurus–moustier.
ii corps (pirch i), 31,000, headquarters @ namur, lay in area namur-hannut–huy.
iii corps (thielemann), 23,900, in bend of river meuse, headquarters ciney, , disposed in area dinant–huy–ciney.
iv corps (bülow), 30,300, headquarters @ liege , cantoned around it.

minor campaigns
german corps (north german federal army)

this army part of prussian army above, act independently further south. composed of contingents following nations of german confederation: electorate of hessen, grand duchy of mecklenburg-schwerin, grand duchy of mecklenburg-strelitz, grand duchy of saxe-weimar-eisenach, duchy of oldenburg (state), duchy of saxe-gotha, duchy of anhalt-bernburg, duchy of anhalt-dessau, duchy of anhalt-kothen, principality of schwarzburg-rudolstadt, principality of schwarzburg-sondershausen, principality of waldeck (state), principality of lippe , principality of schaumburg-lippe.

fearing napoleon going strike him first, blücher ordered army march north join rest of own army. prussian general friedrich graf kleist von nollendorf commanded army before fell ill on 18 june , replaced temperately hessen-kassel general von engelhardt (who in command of hessen division) , lieutenant general karl georg albrecht ernst von hake. composition in june was:

hessen-kassel division (three hessian brigades)- general engelhardt

hessian 1st brigade (5 battalions) – major general prince of solms-braunfels
hessian 2nd brigade (7 battalions) – major general von muller
hessian cavalry brigade (2 regiments) – major general von warburg (prussian)
hessian artillery (2 six-pounder batteries) – najor von bardeleben (prussian)

thuringian brigade - major general egloffstein (weimar)

1st provisional infantry regiment (4 battalions):
2nd provisional infantry regiment (3 battalions)
3rd provisional infantry regiment (5 battalions including oldenbug line infantry regiment (2 battalions))

total 25,000

russian army (i army)

field marshal michael andreas barclay de tolly commanded first russian army. in june consisted of following:

iii army corps - general dokhturov
iv army corps - general raevsky
v army corps - general sacken
vi army corps - general langeron
vii army corps - general sabaneev
reserve grenadier corps - general yermolov
ii reserve cavalry corps - general winzingerode
artillery reserve - colonel bogoslavsky

total 200,000

austro-german army (army of upper rhine)

the austrian military contingent divided 3 armies. largest of these armies, commanded field marshal karl philipp, prince of schwarzenberg. target paris. austrian contingent joined of following nations of german confederation: kingdom of bavaria, kingdom of württemberg, grand duchy of baden, grand duchy of hesse (hessen-darmstadt), free city of frankfurt, principality of reuss elder line , principality of reuss junior line. besides these there contingents of fulda , isenburg. these recruited austrians german territories in process of losing independence being annexed other countries @ congress of vienna. finally, these joined contingents of kingdom of saxony, duchy of saxe-coburg-saalfeld, duchy of saxe-meiningen , duchy of saxe-hildburghausen. composition in june was:

swiss army

this army composed entirely of swiss. swiss general niklaus franz von bachmann commanded army. force observe french forces operated near borders. composition in july was:

i division - colonel von gady
ii division - colonel fuessly
iii division - colonel d affry
reserve division - colonel-quartermaster finsler

total 37,000

austro-sardinian army (army of upper italy)

this second largest of austria s contingents. target lyons. general johann maria philipp frimont commanded army. composition in june was:

i corps - major-general (feldmarschalleutnant) paul von radivojevich
ii corps - major-general (feldmarschalleutnant) ferdinand, graf bubna von littitz
reserve corps - major-general (feldmarschalleutnant) franz mauroy de merville
sardinian corps - general de la tour

total 50,000

austrian army (army of naples)

this smallest of austria s military contingents. targets marseilles , toulon. general bianchi commanded army. austrian army defeated murat s army in neapolitan war. not composed of neapolitans army s name may suggest , 1 author supposed. there sardinian force in area forming garrison of nice under louis cacherano d osasco may have been other part of misunderstanding had arisen. composition in june was:

i corps - general neipperg
ii corps - general mohr
reserve corps - general nugent

total 23,000

anglo-sicilian army

this great britain s smaller military contingent. composed of anglo-sicilian troops under general sir hudson lowe transported , supported mediterranean fleet of lord viscount exmouth. targets marseilles , toulon.

spanish armies

it planned spanish army invade france via perpignan , toulouse. general francisco javier castanos, 1st duke of bailen commanded army.

it planned second spanish army invade france via bayonne , bordeaux. general henry joseph o donnell, count of la bisbal commanded army.

both wellington s despatches , supplementary despatches show neither of spanish armies contained portuguese contingents nor too, (see section portuguese contingent below), both chandler , barbero state portuguese did send contingent.

prussian reserve army

besides 4 army corps fought in waterloo campaign listed above blücher took him kingdom of netherlands, prussia had reserve army stationed @ home in order defend borders.

this consisted of:

v army corps - commanded general ludwig yorck von wartenburg
vi army corps - commanded general bogislav friedrich emanuel von tauentzien
royal guard (viii corps) - commanded general charles ii, grand duke of mecklenburg-strelitz

royal danish auxiliary corps , hanseatic contingent

a danish contingent known royal danish auxiliary corps commanded general prince frederick of hessen-kassel , hanseatic contingent (from free cities of bremen, lübeck , hamburg) commanded british colonel sir neil campbell, on way join wellington s army, both however, joined army in july having missed conflict.

portuguese contingent

wellington had hoped obtain portuguese contingent of 12-14,000 men might boarded on ships , sent army. however, contingent never materialised, portuguese government extremely uncooperative. explained did not have authority send prince regent of portugal s forces war without consent (he still in brazil had been in exile during peninsular war , had yet return portugal). explained though had signed treaty of 15 march without consent. besides this, state of portuguese army in 1815 left desired , shadow of former of being disbanded.

russian 2nd (reserve) army

the second russian army behind first russian army support if required.

imperial guard corps
i army corps
ii army corps, commanded general wurttemberg
i grenadier division
i reserve cavalry corps

russian support wellington

the tsar of russia offered wellington ii army corps under general wurttemberg reserve army, wellington far keen on accepting contingent.

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