.27Continuous glissando.27 or portamento Glissando

a trombone playing glissando

musical instruments continuously variable pitch can effect portamento on substantial range. these include unfretted stringed instruments (such violin, viola, cello , double bass, , fretless guitars), stringed instruments way of stretching strings (such guitar, veena, or sitar), fretted guitar or lap steel guitar when accompanied use of slide, wind instruments without valves or stops (such trombone or slide whistle), timpani (kettledrums), electronic instruments (such theremin, ondes martenot, synthesizers , keytars), water organ, , human voice.

brass , woodwind instruments such trumpet or flute can effect similar limited slide altering lip pressure (trumpet) or combination of embouchure , rolling head joint (flute), while clarinet , models of flute can achieve dragging fingers off tone holes or changing oral cavity s resonance manipulating tongue position, embouchure, , throat shaping.

many electric guitars fitted tremolo arm can produce either portamento, vibrato, or combination of both (but not true tremolo despite name). tremolo repeated variation of loudness while holding pitch constant; vibrato repeated variation of pitch (frequency).


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