Notable .C3.93 Flaithbertaighs Ó Flaithbheartaigh

liam Ó flaithearta.

muireadhach ua flaithbheartach, king of maigh seóla, died 1034.
murchadh chapail ua flaithbheartaigh, king of maigh seóla/iar connacht, died 1036.
rúaidhri ua flaithbheartaigh, king of iar connacht, died 1061.
flaithbertaigh ua flaithbertaigh, king of connacht, died 1098.
conchobhar ua flaithbheartaigh, king of iar connacht, died 1132.
Áedh mór Ó flaithbheartaigh, died 1236.
murchad ua flaithbertaig, bishop of annaghdown, c. 1202–1241.
morogh Ó flaithbheartaigh, king of iar connacht , chief of name, fl. 1244.
ruaidhri Ó flaithbheartaigh, king of iar connacht , chief of name, fl. 1244–1273.
Áedh Ó flaithbheartaigh, taoiseach of iar connacht , chief of name, fl. c. 1377?–1407.
dónal chogaidh Ó flaithbheartaigh (donal of battle), known donall cullagh (the cock). married grace o malley ( granuaile ), , tánaiste (heir) Ó flaithbheartaigh title.
murrough na dtuadh Ó flaithbheartaigh, chief of name, died 1593.
teige Ó flaithbheartaigh, warlord, died 1589.
ruaidhrí Ó flaithbheartaigh, author , historian, died 1720.
eamonn laidir Ó flaithbertaigh, jacobite, died 1749.
edmund o flaherty, irish m.p., fl. 1854.
maidhc Ó flaithearta, member of irish national land league, fl. 1882.
oscar fingal o flahertie wills wilde 16 october 1854 – 30 november 1900, irish writer , poet
liam o flaherty (liam Ó flaithearta 28 aug 1896 – 7 sep 1984) novelist , short story writer.
monsignor hugh o flaherty, scarlet pimpernel of vatican.
colman o flaherty, recipient of distinguished service cross.
michael o flaherty, director of european union fundamental rights agency, human rights lawyer.
tom sailí Ó flaithearta, actor.
patrick o flaherty, mayor of galway 1964–1965 , 1973–1975.
bridie o flaherty, mayor of galway 1980–1981 , 1985–1986.
terry o flaherty, mayor of galway 2003–2004.
maire eilis ní fhlaithearta, actress , former model.
fionnuala ní fhlatharta, actress, ros na rún.
eric o flaherty, american baseball player
jake o flaherty, new zealand rugby commentator


francis c. flaherty, american medal of honour recipient
honor flaherty, famine victim, fl. 9 december 1847 – 11 march 1848.
james louis flaherty, american catholic bishop, 13 may 1910 – 9 august 1975.
jim flaherty, canadian m.p, federal minister of finances (2006-2014), 30 december 1949 – 10 april 2014.
michael john flaherty, sportsperson, died 1992.
robert j. flaherty, film director.
vince flaherty, film producer, historian, actor, singer-songwriter, writer, political activist
ryan flaherty (born 1986), american baseball player
thomas j. flaherty, garda síochána recipient of scott medal, born 1963.
daniel flaherty, 28 years of experience; degrees: bachelor of arts in american history, master of science in educational administration , supervision; endorsements: 5-12 american government, 5-12 american history, 5-12 geography; notables: social studies department head, teaches dual credit courses, model teacher 2014–present
michael f. flaherty, american politician

^ williams, guy st. john (1995). sea-grey house : history of renvyle house. [renvyle, co. galway]: renvyle house hotel. p. 136. isbn 1-874148-01-5. 


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