Allegorical commentary Philo's works

^ schürer, geschichte iii. 503
^ comp. schürer, geschichte iii. p. 504
^ see cohn , wendland, philonis alexandrini, etc., ii., pp. xviii. et seq., 1-41; philologus, lvii. 248-288);
^ schürer, geschichte iii. p. 506] correctly combines nos. 6 , 7 1 book; massebieau, classement, adds after no. 7 lost books Περὶ Διαϑηκῶν); ( bibliothèque de l ecole des hautes etudes, p. 23, note 2, paris, 1889)
^ von arnim, quellenstudien zu philo von alexandria, 1899, pp. 101–140)
^ on lost second book see schürer, l.c. p. 507, , von arnim, l.c. pp. 53–100)
^ (on work Περὶ Μισϑῶν cited in treatise see massebieau, l.c. pp. 27 et seq., note 3)
^ referred nowadays de fuga et inventione .
^ on fragment de deo, contains commentary on gen. xviii. 2, see massebieau, l.c. p. 29;
^ on doxographic source used philo in book i., § 4 [i. 623], see wendland in sitzungsbericht der berliner akademie. 1897. no. xlix. 1-6.


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