Others List of Reborn! characters

1 others

1.1 kyoko sasagawa
1.2 haru miura
1.3 hana kurokawa
1.4 nana sawada
1.5 bianchi
1.6 doctor shamal
1.7 i-pin
1.8 dino
1.9 futa
1.10 longchamp naito
1.11 kawahira/checker face
1.12 elena
1.13 wonomichi
1.14 sepira

kyoko sasagawa

kyoko sasagawa (笹川 京子, sasagawa kyōko) girl tsuna has crush on, , in same grade he. air headed, , thinks, yamamoto, events surrounding tsuna part of game. nonetheless, kindhearted , cheerful, , loves older brother ryohei, whom worries about. she, along haru, enjoys babysitting lambo , i-pin. when takes dying shot, form more quiet , polite. though not aware of how tsuna likes her, thinks of him friend. although, later on in series hinted has feelings him. first sees tsuna in action after being sent 9 years , ten months future right when future self being attacked millefiore members. growing more suspicious of others actions, , haru spy on them , learns truth them , mafia. voiced yūna inamura in anime.

haru miura

haru miura (三浦 ハル, miura haru) eccentric , peppy girl has tendency jump wild conclusions, , has various odd costumes designs herself, myriad of wild habits. despite this, attends midori middle school, 1 of toughest elite schools in area. adores reborn, after saved drowning tsuna, diverted adoration towards him instead. loves , overprotective of children , 1 babysit lambo , i-pin kyoko. according tsuna, adult haru has become more feminine, way of thinking still same. voiced hitomi yoshida in anime.

hana kurokawa

hana kurokawa (黒川 花, kurokawa hana) classmate of tsuna , kyoko s friend. appears more observant , thoughtful of other characters. though not know truth, remains suspicious of tsuna s , friends activities. has crush on 15-year-old lambo, in normal time. hinted in future, has relationship kyoko s brother ryohei. @ same time hates children (especially child form lambo), point gets hives when gets annoyed them. voiced miki ootani in anime.

nana sawada

nana sawada (沢田 奈々, sawada nana) tsuna s mother, who, despite caring him, has little belief in son succeeding in life. helps feed people presently living in house , not see strange of them. seems unaware of fact both husband , son part of mafia, aware both dangerous. voiced rika fukami in anime. in anime, mentioned considered yamato nadeshiko reborn in haru-haru interview dangerous .


bianchi (ビアンキ, bianki) gokudera s half-sister; share same father. bianchi, known poison scorpion bianchi in mafia underground, specializes in poison cooking. since she, herself, immune own cooking, not see wrong food gives others. though seem have strained relationship, has shown great concern gokudera if injured, fighting, or suffering stomach aches, not realize caused (except if not have eye contact). before, in love in ex-boyfriend named romeo, looks similar adult lambo. whenever adult lambo appears, mistakes him romeo, , uses poison cooking destroy him. currently, in love reborn, former associate of hers, , wants kill tsuna free reborn s schedule, though refuses kill him benefit of others. bianchi states love strongest force of all.

in future, bianchi returns crucial information millefiore family after travels futa. tries train gokudera on how control rings , boxes, , shown able summon scorpions emanate dying flame, called scorpione de tempesta (storm scorpions). voiced rie tanaka in anime.

doctor shamal

dr. shamal (dr. シャマル, dr. shamaru) crazed womanizer hits on every cute woman sees, though unsuccessfully. said hiding in japan after being charged in own country putting moves on 2082 women simultaneously, 1 of being queen. both skilled doctor, albeit 1 refuses treat men, , renowned assassin known trident shamal asked join varia. primary means of combat stem 666 pills carries contain trident mosquitoes, own breed of genetically altered mosquitoes named trident-shaped stingers infect enemies deadly diseases. claims infected 666 diseases have no effect on him due negating effects of each disease; if has disease rapidly decreases body temperature, has 1 increases it, , on. shamal happens 1 introduced hayato gokudera bombs when used work gokudera s family. agrees become gokudera s home tutor during vongola tournament, after gokudera learns protecting own life important defending around him. voiced toshinobu katsuya in anime.


i-pin (イーピン, Īpin) 5-year-old assassin hong kong. regularly transformed 15-year-old self way of lambo s ten-year bazooka. 15-year-old adult i-pin fluent in japanese, , despite fact 1 of promising young assassins, works part-time @ ramen shop ten years later in order earn money college tuition, though still retains skills. i-pin s main ability usage of gyoza-ken, combines martial arts abilities special gyoza buns laced scent of garlic, latter of numbs brain , forces muscles involuntarily move on own. destructive ability pinzu-time bomb , activated whenever i-pin expresses extreme shyness. pin-numbers (such used in mahjong) appear on forehead, counting down until turns human bomb can create small crater destruction. due near-sightedness, sees lambo broccoli monster, , beats him up. has crush on kyoya hibari, bears striking resemblance master, , activates pinzu-timed super explosion after seeing him. voiced li-mei chiang in anime.


dino (ディーノ, dīno) 22-year-old tenth generation boss of cavallone family (キャバッローネファミリー, kyabarrōne famirī) part of vongola family alliance. dino young man great skills fighter , leader. reborn s chameleon leon created main weapons, whip , enzo, turtle grows in size , rampages when soaked in water. tsuna, dino, @ first, klutz did not want mafia, became suitable mafia boss after reborn became home tutor. came known bucking-horse dino (跳ね馬ディーノ, haneuma dīno) ( bronco dino in viz s translation) , fixed cavallone s financial problems, turning them third influential family. dino, however, devoted family, when none of family members around, skills decrease dramatically, accidentally hitting people whip , falling down stairs. dino becomes hibari s home tutor before vongola tournament, , travels him around country in order train him. in future, advises tsuna , others on how control box weapons, , shown release horse own box. first voiced kenta kamakari, , replaced kenn episodes 34 onward.


futa (フゥ太, fūta) young boy ranks people abilities in book half own height. full name fuuta delle stelle (fuuta de la stella, or fuuta of stars). has extremely wide range of knowledge on thousands of people , considered valuable informant mafia, being paid insane amounts of money copy of rankings, due this, chased mafia. when ranks people, gravity around him becomes distorted, making objects around him float, , images of stars , galaxies appear in eyes. unknown how gathers information, rumours talks ranking star, , rankings become skewed when rains. has looking @ person determine rankings. calls tsuna big brother referring tsuna tsuna-ni, , starts living in house. in volume nine, after has been controlled mukuro rokudo quite long amount of time, released loses power rank, , follows guardians around while living @ tsunayoshi sawada s house.

in future, after gathering information bianchi, futa, carries suitcase rather book, returns japan crucial information millefiore family. futa reveals lambo s guardian until 3 years before tsuna s arrival in future, , prefers lambo not endangered. voiced yuko sanpei in anime.

longchamp naito

longchamp naito (内藤 ロンシャン, naitō ronshan) overly hyper, eighth generation boss-in-training tomaso family. happens attend same school tsuna, first meet in second year when end in same class. unlike tsuna, longchamp optimistic , excited everything, , though families rivals, befriends tsuna. longchamp known have unique taste in women, , shown different 1 each time. has weird habit of collecting unusual objects, including dead batteries , condiment packets, , bedroom covered junk result of hoarding habits. family creator of sorry bullet (嘆き弾, nageki dan), which, when shot , revived, cause person grieve terrible things have happened in life, making others feel sorry them.

kawahira/checker face

kawahira (川平 kawahira) man lives in future @ real estate firm belonged old lady haru knew in past. referred in earlier episodes frequent customer of adult i-pin s ramen delivery service, makes first appearance when tsuna , company trying hide 6 funeral wreaths. possesses segno hell ring can create strong illusions, fake murderous intent, , hides existence. not outwardly state true motives claims tsuna , friends owe him 1 help. later revealed true identity of checker face (チェッカーフェイス chekkāfeisū), man iron hat 1 responsible inflicting curse of rainbow reborn , others, making them arcobaleno. appeared in arcobaleno s dream , offered them way freed curse had turned them babies creating battle royale arcobaleno have choose 7 people representatives fight in place , winner have or curse removed. however, turned out huge lie , true intention determine 7 strongest people , intends turn them next arcobaleno without intention free current arcobaleno curse. 1 administrates tri-ni-sette, 1 gave vongola rings , mare rings yuni s ancestor, sepira, in turn entrusted vongola rings giotto. decades, had selected , tricked 7 people in each generation considered strongest through contract job or representative battle , forcefully make them protect arcobaleno pacifier, cursing them babies. after bermuda s defeat, appears in front of tsuna , others , reveal true identity kawahira. he, along yuni, last 2 special races had been existed far before humans job protect earth through tri-ni-set. however, race died 1 one until he, , sepira ones remained. decided split 7 stones of tri-ni-set arcobaleno pacifiers, vongola rings, , mare rings , gave them human race alone unable provide enough flames rings. intended remove pacifiers reborn , others , cursed had selected, however, talbot arrives , came solution keep tri-ni-set safe. yuni s assurance of future of tri-ni-set, kawahira agreed give order of tri-ni-set bermuda , vindice, entrusting them future generations, , removes arcobaleno curse reborn , others.


elena (エレナ erena) daemon s lover died 9 generations prior main story line. s daughter of duke, , shared same opinion daemon how aristocrats around them selfish. 1 introduced daemon giotto , later joined vongola daemon in order protect weak , defenseless people outlaws since believe highly capable people should become backbone of society. however, when giotto disbanded military forces prevent family fighting own ambition, territory attacked , elena killed in process. event triggered daemon s desire make vongola strongest organization in order fulfill promise loved vongola family time.


wonomichi (尾道 wonomichi)the messenger of checker face , planner of arcobaleno representative battle. appeared in hotel dino , varia staying , explained rules of representative battle them , other participants , gave them wristwatches needed battle. wears attire similar checker face s , appeared forgetful person, when must write down rules of representative battle on arm.


sepira (セピラ sepira) yuni s ancestor , founder of giglio nero famiglia, making first boss of famiglia. she, along kawahira, belongs special race had existed far before humans -their main job preserve tri-ni-set in order protect balance of earth. when , kawahira 2 remaining members of race , unable provide tri-ni-set enough flames, split tri-ni-set arcoblaeno pacifiers, mare rings, , vongola rings. borrowing power human race, gave vongola rings giotto while kept mare rings passed down within family. @ time, , kawahira part ways after opinions conflicted, while wholeheartedly wished coexist humans, kawahira believed otherwise. yuni unaware of ancestor s true nature since sepira kept secret in order peacefully lives among humans.


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