The Popes and Lourdes Le pèlerinage de Lourdes

1 popes , lourdes

1.1 pius ix , leo xiii
1.2 saint pius x
1.3 benedict xv , pius xi

the popes , lourdes

the first part of encyclical reviews contributions of papacy veneration in lourdes.

pius ix , leo xiii

the encyclical mentions in 1869 pius ix rejoiced obstacles created against lourdes malice of men rendered stronger , more evident clarity of fact . crowned statue of our lady of lourdes. in 1892 leo xiii granted proper office , mass of feast in apparitione beatae mariae virginis immaculatae , successor extend universal church short time later. installed , blessed reproduction of grotto of massabielle in vatican gardens, , prayed:

in power may virgin mother, once cooperated through love birth of faithful church, means , guardian of our salvation; may return tranquillity of peace troubled souls; may hasten return of jesus christ in private , public life.

saint pius x

the encyclical states, fifty years after definition of dogma of immaculate conception, saint pius x wrote, in ad diem illum, predecessor pius ix, had hardly defined of catholic faith mary origin exempt sin, when virgin herself began performing miracles @ lourdes. pius x created episcopal see of lourdes, , authorized introduction of cause of beatification of bernadette. emphasized wonderful harmony @ lourdes between eucharistic worship , marian prayer. pope pius xii concludes: not have been otherwise. mary directs son, our savior, in anticipation of merits immaculate , full of grace. mary raises praise of adorable trinity. encyclical adds saint pius x viewed shrine of lourdes surpassing in glory others in catholic world.

benedict xv , pius xi

the encyclical states, benedict xv added new indulgences unable more because of first world war. pius xi, had been lourdes himself pilgrim, continued work of benedict xv. canonized bernadette, sister marie bernard. , described lourdes justly considered 1 of principal marian shrines in world . pius xii recalls own previous encyclical, in wrote lourdes;

blessed virgin mary herself wanted confirm special sign definition vicar on earth of divine son had pronounced amidst vigorous approbation of whole church.

^ le pèlerinage de lourdes, 18
^ le pèlerinage de lourdes, 19-21
^ le pèlerinage de lourdes, 21
^ le pèlerinage de lourdes, 22
^ le pèlerinage de lourdes, 23
^ le pèlerinage de lourdes, 24
^ le pèlerinage de lourdes, 28
^ fulgens corona
^ le pèlerinage de lourdes, 29


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